광왕 아슈나드/대사


I am Ashnard, thirteenth king of Daein. I will change the very face of this world...with strength alone!我は第13代デイン国王、アシュナード。力によって、世界の成り立ちを変えてみせようぞ…!

Heh... So, this is the medallion's true power? Come, chaos, and pour forth with rage! Seething, swirling rage!ふははは…!これがメダリオンの力!渦巻く【負】の気よ、もっと猛るがいい!
In the world I have created, only the strongest may live. The sooner the weaklings perish, the better.我の作る世界では力を持たぬ者に生きる資格はない。弱き者は早々に消え失せよ!
The light in which future generations view my works is dependent only on my ability to see my vision complete.我の成したことが後世善となるか悪となるか…終わってみなければわからぬ。
Class, rank...human, sub-human... None of it matters. The weak submit to the strong. THAT is peace.身分は問わぬ、人間か半獣も問わぬ。力ある者がすべてを得る。それが真の公平というものだ!
Fly, Rajaion! Spare no mercy for the weaklings! Rend their soft flesh for your master!いくぞ、ラジャイオン。弱き者にかける慈悲はなし。すべてを引き裂き、蹂躙するのだ…!

친구 방문

I hope you put up more of a fight than [Friend] did.貴様が[召喚師]か。[フレンド]よりも強いか、我が検分してやろう。

레벨 업

GGGRRAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!! GGRRAAAHH HAAA HAAA HAAA!!! ...It...feels...so...GOOOOOOD...フシュゥゥゥゥゥッ…!…よい心地だ。
There is more, so much more... I have yet to tap into even a shred of my true strength.まだ、まだだ…我はすべての力を出し切っておらぬ。
This cannot be all the medallion has to offer, can it?メダリオンの力こんなものではなかろう?


Yes... More, MORE! Give me all the power you have to give...くく…良いぞ、実に良い!もっと、もっと我に力を寄越せ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Order must be kept by a firm hand. The strong create the framework upon which a stable society rests.
Meanwhile, the weak meekly inhabit that stability, content with their scraps. That is my vision for rule.
So... What will it be for you? Will you follow or lead? Obey or command? Serve or be served?
The weak can only hope to survive by accepting their lot. Those who do not...must die.
Now, bring this world to its knees, and claim it all your own!





오의 발동

Excellent! So good!良いぞ、実に良い!
Don't disappoint me!楽しませてみせよ!
I will bring the fight to you.我から出向いてやろう


More, I say!もっと…もっとだ……!


Soft but sinister laughくくく……
Release your rage! Release your hate! Show me the fury you keep inside!もっと怒れ! もっと憎め! もっと猛り狂ってみせるのだ!
Who are you, dog? I have no time to spend on weaklings. Disappear.なんだ、貴様は…? 雑魚に構っている暇はない。散れ。
Only those with power will be allowed to live. Hurry and die, weakling!力を持たぬ者は生きる資格がない。早々に滅するがいい。弱き者よ。
Despise me! Let your hate build and attack me with everything you have!我を憎め! そして強大な力をもってして我にかかってくるがいい!!
My sole desire is to rule through strength. The weak perish, and the strong live on...我が望むは、力による支配。弱者は滅び強者が生き残る…
Gawain's son... I'm looking forward to finding out whether or not you are worthy to face me.ガウェインの息子か…我と戦うに足る者がどうか、期待しているぞ。
I haven't seen all you are capable of... I'll enjoy my time here a little longer.まだ貴様の力、見尽くしておらぬ…もうしばらく楽しませてもらうぞ。

아군 턴 터치

How wonderful!見事なものだ。
I leave it to you.まかせる。

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