개신 아스크/대사
Hello! I am Askr. To be summoned is to see a new world, so I am pleased indeed! I look forward to our travels. | やあ! 私はアスク。召喚もまた、新たな世界への扉。これからの君との旅が楽しみだよ。 |
So, this land is still known as the Kingdom of Askr, is it? I take pride in that—but it can be confusing. | この国は今もアスク王国という名なのだね。嬉しさ半分、気恥ずかしさ半分…といったところかな。 |
Mine is a world that connects to all others. Where would you like to go? | 私の世界は、いうなればあらゆる世界へとつながる扉だ。君は、どこへ行きたい? |
Ash is like a daughter to me. Her drive to help people is a precious quality I hold dear. | アシュは私にとって、大切な娘のようなものだ。人々を助けたいという彼女の想いは、とても尊いものだと思う。 |
I imagine each world connected to all others... If the people could find a way to cooperate—just think of it. | すべての世界が開かれ、すべての人がすべての人と繋がる…そしてみんな仲良くなれたら素晴らしいね。 |
I've come to see you are something interesting indeed. Perhaps we could get to know each other better... Would you have the time to speak with me, [Summoner]? | [召喚師]、私は君にとても興味があるんだ。良かったら、少し話せないかな? |
친구 방문
Hello! Here you are, in light of your bond with [Friend]! | やあ! [召喚師]と[フレンド]の繋がり、とても素晴らしいと私は思うよ。 |
레벨 업
Together, no world in existence is beyond our reach. | 君となら、あらゆる世界へ旅できるだろう。 |
What sort of world shall I go to next? I wonder... | さあ、次はどんな世界へ行こうか。 |
Oh! My, my... | おや? |
Thank you! I am pleased to receive such a gift. | ありがとう。とても嬉しく思うよ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Mortals are dear to me. I wish to learn of them and embrace the wonderful variety of their ways... Their lives, short as they may be, burn with an intense brilliance. I would like to help them shine. That is why I made my contract with Líf, and why Embla contracted with Thrasir... These ties live on, even today, within Alfonse, Zacharias, and others of their lines. It all pleases me endlessly, and I hope only to protect that brilliant light of theirs. | 私は人間たちが好きなんだ。彼らが抱く果てしない夢や希望…それは、とても素晴らしいと思う。 百年にも満たない短い生の中で、人間たちが放つ強い輝き…私はそれを手伝いたいと思った。 だから、私はリーヴと、エンブラはスラシルと契約を行い… その絆は今も、息づいている。アルフォンスやザカリアたちの中でね。 私は、それをとても嬉しく思う。これからも、彼らの輝きを見守りたいと思うよ。 |
- | せいっ |
- | はあっ |
- | くっ…! |
- | まだまだ…! |
오의 발동
This path must open. | 開いてみせよう |
You can do better. | もっと先へ |
Could we not speak? | 話せないかな? |
May this bring peace! | 開かれた平和を! |
Violence begets nothing… | 戦いは…やはり虚しいな… |
- | ふふ… |
Speaking with you is a pleasure. I foresee us growing quite close indeed. | やあ! 話せて嬉しいよ。君と私はきっと仲良くなれるだろう。 |
Curious about me, are you? Delightful. | おっと、私に興味があるのかな? 嬉しいよ。 |
I do wish Embla and I could make peace. She, however, feels very differently... | 私はエンブラとも仲良くしたかった。だが、嫌われてしまったようだ… |
How has Ash been doing? She takes her work very seriously, you know. | アシュは元気かな? 彼女はとても真面目で頑張り屋なんだ。 |
I do not comport myself as you expect of a god? But gods are no more special than any mortal. | 神らしくない、かい? 私たち神々は特別な存在ではないよ、君たちと同じだ。 |
A world of companionship, where all gaps between people can be bridged. That is my ideal. | すべての人がすべての人と繋がり、親しくなる世界。それが、私の理想だ。 |
I believe our worlds will only continue to grow closer. | この世界と君の世界も、きっと仲良くなれるだろう。 |
아군 턴 터치
I agree. | いいとも |
Which path to take... | どこへ行こうか? |
The unknown beckons! | まだ見ぬ世界へ! |