열린 수확제 아스크/대사


I am Askr, here to join in the festivities. No need for formalities. Let us celebrate the harvest together!私はアスク。祭りに参加させてもらうよ。ああ、そんなにかしこまらなくていい。ともに収穫を祝おうじゃないか!

The land's bounty is not a privilege bestowed by the gods. It takes effort to reap from the harvest.神が恵みを与えるのではないよ。人間たちが努力した結果大地の恵みが得られるんだ。
I so admire the energy mortals place into appreciating all of life, which is displayed in their wonderful festivals.祭りは人間たちが生み出した素晴らしいもののひとつだ。その豊かな感性に感服するよ。
I received so many sweets. I think Ash will be happy if I share some with her.こんなにたくさんのお菓子をもらってしまったよ。アシュに分けてあげれば喜びそうだね。
Festivals are known to bring gods and mortals together. In fact, they're a great way to meet all sorts people.祭りは人と神の距離も縮めてくれる。いろいろな人々と仲良くなれる機会ということだね。
Do tell me if there's anything strange going on with this outfit. It is the first occasion I've had to dress in costume.私なりに祭りの装束を用意してみたよ。どこかおかしいところがあれば遠慮なく教えてくれ。

친구 방문

I was sent to tell you there's a harvest festival going on as we speak at [Friend]'s castle.やあ[召喚師]。[フレンド]の城では収穫祭の真っ最中なんだ。

레벨 업

Trick or treat? Whichever you choose, I will use all the power at my disposal to grant it to you!トリックオアトリート!好きなほうを選んでくれ。全力で応えよう!
Let gods and mortals alike enjoy the festival together!今日は神も人間も関係ない。一緒に祭りを楽しもう!
Oop—I must have spooked you. It was only meant to be a trick. Controlling my power is no easy feat.おっと、軽いイタズラのつもりが驚かせてしまったようだ。力の加減が難しいね…。


May the people of Askr reap abundance forevermore.アスクの民にもいつまでも実りがあらんことを。

5성 40레벨 달성

Greetings, [Summoner].
I'm happy to see such a lively harvest festival this year. You see...
I've known about the festival for quite some time and always wanted to join, but it's not so easy in my position.
I am glad to be able to celebrate the joys of this year's harvest with the people of Askr.
And I pray the fruits of this harvest will nourish everyone for a long time to come.





오의 발동

Trick or treat?!トリックオアトリート!
A trick it is!いたずらされたいかい?
Offer gratitude.恵みに感謝を
I will accept candy.お菓子をもらうよ


The trick is on me.ああ…しくじったな……


Thank you for inviting me to this festival. It is the first occasion I've had to dress in costume!収穫祭へお招きありがとう! 仮装なんて初めてしたよ。
Oh! Uh, was that some sort of harvest etiquette just now?おっ…? 今のも、収穫祭の作法なのかい?
Festivals are a wonderful way to take a step outside the day to day and celebrate our lives.祭りは好きだよ。いつもと違う、特別な一日…素晴らしいね。
It is an amazing feeling, seeing everyone pleased by the harvest.人々が収穫に喜んでいる様を見るのは、私にとっても喜びだよ。
Would you mind if I brought some sweets back for Ash?そのお菓子…アシュへのお土産に持って帰っていいかな?
This is such fun. I should have asked Embla to join me...楽しい祭りだ。エンブラも誘えばよかったな…
I pray that the time you spend here in Askr will bear fruit for you.君のアスク王国での日々が実り多きものであることを祈ってるよ。

아군 턴 터치

I agree.そうだね
Where next?次はどこへ?
I am ready to work.腕が鳴るね

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