아카네이아의 용사 아스트리아/대사


I am Astram. I fight for justice in the name of Archanea! ...Who are you?オレは勇者アストリア。我が剣は、アカネイアの正義のために。貴公は何者だ…名乗れ。

I want to spend more time with Midia, but...I've been only a disappointment in that regard.オレが不甲斐ないばかりにミディアにはいつも迷惑をかけている。もっといたわってやりたいが…
Make no mistake: I am sworn to Princess Nyna—not the crown!オレはニーナ様に忠誠を誓う者。皇帝と称する輩に対してではない…!そこを違えるな。
A proper soldier must not act rashly. You must take breaks and prepare for what comes. That is your duty.軍の要にある者がそう軽々しく動くな。休息を取り、戦いに備えておくことだ…それも役目と心得たほうがいい。
Even within these walls, one should not grow idle. There are many faces here; an enemy could easily slip in...城の中だからと気を緩め過ぎるな。まわりに人が多いということは、それだけ敵の手も入り込みやすい…
A body lacking training grows soft before long. For Archanea, I must continue training every day.鍛錬を怠れば、すぐに肉体は緩む。アカネイアの誇りを守るためにも日々、精進あるのみ。

친구 방문

I am Astram. I come with a greeting. You must be [Summoner].オレの名はアストリア。挨拶に参った。貴公が[召喚師]か。

레벨 업

Bear witness to the technique of Archanea's hero, Astram!アカネイアの勇者アストリアの技、とくとその目に焼き付けておけ!
I mustn't grow complacent!この程度で満足するものか。オレは…もっと強くなる…
So much left to learn...まだまだ未熟だな…アストリア。


I will repay this debt. I swear it.ありがたい。この恩には報いるぞ、必ず。

5성 40레벨 달성

Long ago, when I was first called heroic, I made a vow on my sword: I will be ever loyal and ever just.
Now, finding myself in this world, my vow remains, and I feel at home knowing you are as driven as I.
I look on the people of Askr, and I am reminded of my friends Jeorge and Midia... Honest, stalwart folk.
Yet, the more stalwart, the greater possibility of conflict...
Remember that should it ever seem opportune for you to turn against Archanea.
For Mercurius and I will cleanse the wicked from this world and any other! ...Should the time ever come, I mean.


I won't let you get away!逃がさん!



오의 발동

We will triumph!勝つのは我らだ!
You will never win!お前らでは勝てん
You've forced my hand.仕掛けてくれば別だ
Heads will roll.無礼は承知!




I am Astram, captain of Archanea's free company.俺はアストリア。アストリア傭兵隊の隊長だ。
Hm?! Enough japery!なっ…!? おい、冗談はよせ。
There is nothing my Mercurius cannot cut. Care to see for yourself?俺の宝剣メリクルに斬れぬものなどない。試してみるか?
No one knows me better than Jeorge. He and I—we've been through a lot together.ジョルジュは俺以上に俺のことをよくわかっている。大切な友人だ。
My allegiance lies with Princess Nyna and Archanea—and with them above all.ニーナ様のため、アカネイアの為に俺は戦う。あんな男の為ではない。
I long the day I can spend time together with Midia...away from the training grounds.もっとミディアを大切にしたいと、思ってはいるんだが…
You have my full strength at your disposal.俺の持てる力のすべてを、お前のために使うと誓おう。

아군 턴 터치

Very well, then.よかろう
Never a doubt.やむをえまい
I will fight!俺は戦う!

캐릭터 페이지로