어둠의 유녀 인버스/대사
Please, call me Aversa. My, you're adorable. If you don't watch out, I'll tease you mercilessly. | インバースと呼んでちょうだい。もう、そんなに可愛い顔しないで?いじめたくなっちゃうから… |
No one in this country knows me. Nor do they know what I have done. I find that strangely comforting. Heh-heh. | この国では私のことを誰も知らない…過去を知られることもない。フフ、存外と居心地のいいものね。 |
You know, it's quite impudent of you to ask about my past. Oh, look at you! I'm just kidding. Hee-hee! | あんまり女の過去を詮索するもんじゃないわよ?な~んてね、フフ… |
No matter what world you find yourself in, chores don't do themselves. I'll do my share. | 雑用って世界が違っても大差ないのね。食料管理くらいなら手伝ってあげるわよ。私、そういうの意外と慣れてるの。 |
I've been told there is a nearby waterfall. I do love them... Come, give chase. We shall make a splash! | 近くに綺麗な水滝があるのを見てきたわ。私ね、水浴びが大好きなの…逃げたりしないわよ、一緒に来る? |
Are you to serve as my guard? I assure you—I am trustworthy. I was just tending to my injuries. | なぁに、あなたは私の監視役?別に怪しいことなんて何もしてないわよ。ほら…脚の手入れをしていただけ。 |
친구 방문
I am Aversa. I bring you a small token of affection—not mine, of course. | 私はインバース。[フレンド]の命により親愛の品をお持ちしましたわ。 |
레벨 업
All the naughty children who get in my way will quake with terror. | 私の邪魔をするイケナイ子には、この手で絶望を与えてあげる… |
Playtime is just about over... Get ready for something new. | そろそろ遊びは終わりにしなくちゃね。もっと私に期待してちょうだい? |
What a scary face! We should be enjoying ourselves... | あ~ら、怖い顔しないで?楽しくいきましょう? |
Is this what you've been wanting? | ほら、あなたが望んでいたのはこういうことでしょう? |
5성 40레벨 달성
You come all the way out here rather often, don't you? I guess you don't trust me. I'm not a spy, you know. That's not it? You think I look sad? You don't miss much, do you? It's true. I have many regrets. I've done terrible things to a lot of people. There is no way I can atone for it all... My past clings to me. No matter what I do, I can't make peace with it. And whenever I try to speak with others, well...it gets in the way. Speak plainly, you say? As if that'd ever work. If you're that interested in me, why don't we spend a little time together? Until moonrise, perhaps? As you may have noticed, I'm the fiercely loyal type. | こんなところまでよく来るわね…まさか、私を敵の間者だと疑ってたりして? え、違う…元気がないから心配ですって?そう…意外とよく見ているじゃない。そうよ、私落ち込んでるの…すご~く! …大勢の人に酷いことをしてしまったわ。償う方法なんてない…何をしても過去はやり直せない… 今さら、人とどう接すればいいのかも…もう、わからなくなっちゃった。 素直に、って…難しいこと言うのね。じゃあ、もう少しだけ隣にいてくれない? あの月が昇りきるまでで構わないわ…こう見えて私、尽くすタイプなのよ。 |
はぁっ! | |
そぉれっ |
きゃああっ! | |
激しいのね… |
오의 발동
Still clinging to hope? | 絶望を貴方に… |
All good things must end. | お遊びは終わり… |
Let's play, shall we? | 遊びましょうか? |
Always a pleasure. | 楽しめたわよ? |
That...could have felt better... | 強い…のね… |
んふふっ | |
You may call me Aversa. A pleasure to meet you. | インバースと申します。以後、お見知りおきを。 |
And just what are you looking at, hmm? | うふふっ…どこを見てるのかしらぁ? |
My, my, you're bolder than you look, aren't you? | きゃっ…あら、見かけによらず強引ねぇ? |
If you wish to observe me, by all means. Just don't skulk in the shadows while you do it. | 私を監視したいなら、隅々までじっくりどうぞ? |
Perhaps you are more than just another fool in motley, capering on the stage... | 何も知らないというのは、悲しく滑稽なことね。 |
You want to know about my past? That's not something that I… | 本当の…私…? 私には…そんなもの… |
What would you ask of me...if I agreed to follow your every command? | 私をものにして…いったい何をさせたいのかしらぁ…? |
아군 턴 터치
Certainly. | ええ |
So big and strong. | 強そうねぇ |
Care to play? | 楽しみましょう。 |
공격 - 신장
- | たっ! |
- | うふふ… |
피격 - 신장
- | ああっ… |
- | 意地悪ね… |
오의 발동 - 신장
Is it a dream you want? | 夢が見たい? |
Sleep tight... | おやすみなさい… |
Tell me how this hits you. | こんなのはどう? |
Off to sleep! | 眠らせてあげる |
패배 - 신장
Not I... Not now... | いやよ…私は… |
상태창 - 신장
- | ふふ… |
These clothes are adorable. Did you have me in mind when you chose them? | 随分可愛らしい服ねぇ…。誰かとお間違えじゃない? |
Hmm? You want to play? How childlike you are. | まあ…遊んでほしいの? 子供みたい。 |
Oh, please... I don't believe in tall tales dressed in fairy-wings. | 妖精なんて信じたこともないわ。おとぎ話の中のものでしょ。 |
Honestly! What did you have in mind when you gave me this outfit? | 私にこんな格好させて、どうしたいの? |
And just like that, I fly away... *chuckles* | ひらひら…。うふふ、このまま飛んでっちゃおうかしら。 |
When I dream, I feel like I'm a completely different person. | 夢の中の私は…いつもまるで別人みたい…… |
Now I understand just how much my regard means to you. | あなたが私に好かれたいってことはよくわかったわ。 |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
Indeed. | そう |
I wonder... | どうなの? |
It's a pleasure. | 遊びましょ |