어둠의 유녀 인버스/대사


Please, call me Aversa. My, you're adorable. If you don't watch out, I'll tease you mercilessly.インバースと呼んでちょうだい。もう、そんなに可愛い顔しないで?いじめたくなっちゃうから…

No one in this country knows me. Nor do they know what I have done. I find that strangely comforting. Heh-heh.この国では私のことを誰も知らない…過去を知られることもない。フフ、存外と居心地のいいものね。
You know, it's quite impudent of you to ask about my past. Oh, look at you! I'm just kidding. Hee-hee!あんまり女の過去を詮索するもんじゃないわよ?な~んてね、フフ…
No matter what world you find yourself in, chores don't do themselves. I'll do my share.雑用って世界が違っても大差ないのね。食料管理くらいなら手伝ってあげるわよ。私、そういうの意外と慣れてるの。
I've been told there is a nearby waterfall. I do love them... Come, give chase. We shall make a splash!近くに綺麗な水滝があるのを見てきたわ。私ね、水浴びが大好きなの…逃げたりしないわよ、一緒に来る?
Are you to serve as my guard? I assure you—I am trustworthy. I was just tending to my injuries.なぁに、あなたは私の監視役?別に怪しいことなんて何もしてないわよ。ほら…脚の手入れをしていただけ。

친구 방문

I am Aversa. I bring you a small token of affection—not mine, of course.私はインバース。[フレンド]の命により親愛の品をお持ちしましたわ。

레벨 업

All the naughty children who get in my way will quake with terror.私の邪魔をするイケナイ子には、この手で絶望を与えてあげる…
Playtime is just about over... Get ready for something new.そろそろ遊びは終わりにしなくちゃね。もっと私に期待してちょうだい?
What a scary face! We should be enjoying ourselves...あ~ら、怖い顔しないで?楽しくいきましょう?


Is this what you've been wanting?ほら、あなたが望んでいたのはこういうことでしょう?

5성 40레벨 달성

You come all the way out here rather often, don't you? I guess you don't trust me. I'm not a spy, you know.
That's not it? You think I look sad? You don't miss much, do you? It's true. I have many regrets.
I've done terrible things to a lot of people. There is no way I can atone for it all...
My past clings to me. No matter what I do, I can't make peace with it.
And whenever I try to speak with others, well...it gets in the way.
Speak plainly, you say? As if that'd ever work.
If you're that interested in me, why don't we spend a little time together? Until moonrise, perhaps?
As you may have noticed, I'm the fiercely loyal type.





오의 발동

Still clinging to hope?絶望を貴方に…
All good things must end.お遊びは終わり…
Let's play, shall we?遊びましょうか?
Always a pleasure.楽しめたわよ?


That...could have felt better...強い…のね…


You may call me Aversa. A pleasure to meet you.インバースと申します。以後、お見知りおきを。
And just what are you looking at, hmm?うふふっ…どこを見てるのかしらぁ?
My, my, you're bolder than you look, aren't you?きゃっ…あら、見かけによらず強引ねぇ?
If you wish to observe me, by all means. Just don't skulk in the shadows while you do it.私を監視したいなら、隅々までじっくりどうぞ?
Perhaps you are more than just another fool in motley, capering on the stage...何も知らないというのは、悲しく滑稽なことね。
You want to know about my past? That's not something that I…本当の…私…? 私には…そんなもの…
What would you ask of me...if I agreed to follow your every command?私をものにして…いったい何をさせたいのかしらぁ…?

아군 턴 터치

So big and strong.強そうねぇ
Care to play?楽しみましょう。

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Is it a dream you want?夢が見たい?
Sleep tight...おやすみなさい…
Tell me how this hits you.こんなのはどう?
Off to sleep!眠らせてあげる

패배 - 신장

Not I... Not now...いやよ…私は…

상태창 - 신장

These clothes are adorable. Did you have me in mind when you chose them?随分可愛らしい服ねぇ…。誰かとお間違えじゃない?
Hmm? You want to play? How childlike you are.まあ…遊んでほしいの? 子供みたい。
Oh, please... I don't believe in tall tales dressed in fairy-wings.妖精なんて信じたこともないわ。おとぎ話の中のものでしょ。
Honestly! What did you have in mind when you gave me this outfit?私にこんな格好させて、どうしたいの?
And just like that, I fly away... *chuckles*ひらひら…。うふふ、このまま飛んでっちゃおうかしら。
When I dream, I feel like I'm a completely different person.夢の中の私は…いつもまるで別人みたい……
Now I understand just how much my regard means to you.あなたが私に好かれたいってことはよくわかったわ。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

I wonder...どうなの?
It's a pleasure.遊びましょ

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