초연한 승려 아사마/대사


I'm the monk Azama from Hoshido. How odd, being summoned! I'll give you a hand, as long as I'm here.白夜王国の修験者、アサマと申します。突然呼びつけられて困惑の極みですが…手を貸してあげないこともないですよ。

The look on someone's face after being summoned is priceless. Such bewilderment!面白いですねえ、召喚というものは。突然呼び出された英雄たちの慌てふためく様子を見るのは趣があります。
My liege is Lady Hinoka—a woman of many marvels. I never tire of basking in her glow!私の主君はヒノカ様です。あの方は本当に面白い御方だ…お傍にいて、飽きることがありませんよ。
It's nice that you look after us, but you needn't tire yourself. We of flesh and bone are either alive...or not.皆の無事を確かめているのですか?そんなことせずとも…死人が出れば、あなたにはすぐにわかるでしょうに。
I sense you're troubled by deep thoughts. Glad to help. Let's partake in shallow conversation!おや、何か悩みがおありのようですね。では私とくだらない話でもしましょう。負の感情など忘れてしまった方が楽ですよ。
Do I spend time praying? Never. It's like throwing crumbs to the wind—with no birds in sight.お祈り? いえ、そんな事はしていません。見えないものに語りかけ、崇める行為など私にとっては無意味ですからね。

친구 방문

I bear a load of hellos from [Friend]!
Glad to be little more than a mule in this situation.

레벨 업

Strength is fleeting, but I really do enjoy this.ま、いくら成長しても、死ぬまでの栄光ですが。
Oh, how lovely. Praise Hotoke.おや、素晴らしい。今日はいい日ですね。
Ha! Little or nothing! That's life, in a nutshell.あっはっは。なんです、そのがっかり顔は。


Oh my! It's like a brisk wind, ruffling my robes!こういう気分転換は大好きですよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ah, it is you! I should have known from the ever-busy pitter-pat of your footsteps.
You must have far too much free time on your hands if you're always spending it with me.
Why, who am I to deserve it? I'm just a holy man, not worth even the time of day.
Now, speaking of free time, do you plan to ever free me of my time here with you?
I mean, of course, final release. The good-bye. The farewell. The ta-ta and toodle-oo!
I shouldn't let myself be troubled by the idea that we'd be separated.
But I've grown fond of you. I'd like to give you more of my time, not less.
So please, don't give me any of that sort of free time—not for years and years. All right?




My...just reward...罰当たりな…っ

오의 발동

I won't lose!負けませんよ?
Here comes your final reward.タコ殴りにいたしましょう
Death comes for everyone.死は平等です
Rest in peace.成仏してください


No regrets...嘆くことは…ありません…


A ha haあっはっは
Do be careful.怪我にはお気をつけて
What to do with you?仕方のない人ですねえ
I assure you, I am a devoted monk. But devotion takes many forms.私は信心深い僧侶です、本当ですとも
Worrying? Suffering? No, no, no. Let's not waste any time on that.悩むのも苦しむのも、時間の無駄ですよ
Heavenly vistas? People dressed in white? It's almost like...we've passed to the other side.美しい景色に白装束の人々…まるで御仏の世界ですね
Where is my Lady Hinoka? She does scourge me so if I don't come running.ヒノカ様はどちらに? 傍にいないと雷が落ちるもので…
Summoning? Forcing poor souls to fight? Ghastly. But also quite whimsical, so count me in!人を呼びつけて戦わせるなんて、悪趣味ですねえ…でもまあ、楽しそうなので協力はいたしますよ

아군 턴 터치

Well, well.やれやれ
If we must.仕方ありません

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Just surrender.あきらめなさい
Only what you deserve.お仕置きいたしましょう
No use complaining.往生際の悪い
It's your time.観念しなさい

패배 - 신장

Everything ends...この世は無常…ですよ…

상태창 - 신장

Do be careful.怪我にはお気をつけて
What to do with you?仕方のない人ですねえ
Does making me wear eccentric outfits amuse you?こんな珍妙な衣装を私に着せて、何を考えているんです?
Hoshido ought to consider adopting the teachings of seiðjárn.魔道科学で楽ができるのなら、ぜひ白夜王国にも導入したいものです。
The people of Niðavellir could stand to loosen up a bit.ニザヴェリルの皆さんは、からかい甲斐がありそうですねえ。
Gods and kings can be fools too. The only difference is people being afraid to say so.私は、神仏であろうと王であろうと、愚かな者は「愚か者」と言う性格なので。
If you think a new outfit is going to put a spring in my step, you don't know me as well as I'd supposed.衣装が変わったくらいでやる気が出ると思ったら大間違いですよ。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Of course.ええ
Such a chore...面倒ですねえ
You'll thank me later.感謝してください

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