투마의 가희 아쿠아/대사


My name is Azura. Something about you tells me the power of my songs may be of use to you.私はアクア。この空気は…そう。私の歌が、あなたの力になれるかも。

The intriguing conversations I have here are so inspirational... I feel as if I could compose a beautiful song.ここにいる多くの英雄と話をしていると、とても良い刺激になるわ。素敵な歌ができそう…
While malicious plots eat silently away at Hoshido and Nohr, my own silence consumes me.邪悪な企みは、静かに、目に見えず、徐々に白夜と暗夜を蝕んでいたの…それでも真実を伝えられないのが辛くて…
The brightness of your smile seems faded. Please, allow me to lift your spirits with a song.最近、笑っていないでしょう?あまり良くないことだわ。私の歌を聴いていきなさい。
Performing is a far more strenuous task than you might think. You're welcome to join my daily training.歌も踊りも、見た目以上に体力が必要なの。毎日の鍛錬は欠かせないわ。あなたも一緒にやってみる?
Sleep was particularly evasive last night... My preparations may be more lengthy than usual today.ああ、今日は特に寝癖がひどくて…少し準備に時間がかかってしまうかも。

친구 방문

Greetings, [Summoner]. Please receive this gift on behalf of [Friend].あなたが[召喚師]ね。はい、これをどうぞ。[フレンド]からよ。

레벨 업

With the power of this song, tranquility will be restored to everyone's troubled hearts.この歌の力で、皆の心に平穏を…
Today, my voice resonates!今日は声の通りが良いわ。
My apologies. It seems my performance today is lackluster.ごめんなさい。あまり調子が良くないみたい。


You have my gratitude. My songs will now carry to even more souls in need.ありがとう、嬉しいわ。これでもっと多くの人に歌を届けられそう。

5성 40레벨 달성

There's a shadow darkening your brow, [Summoner]. Does something trouble you?
If you don't wish to speak, I won't press you. There are silent secrets nestled in all our hearts...
Such a secret plagued me once. I couldn't share my burden with anyone...
Not even with one as dear to me as a sibling. But words swallowed can cause much pain.
It seems as though you may be carrying too much. Please... Speak with me if you trust me.
...Now I'm pressing you, as I promised I wouldn't. Forgive me, if you will. I merely want to help.
When you can no longer swallow your secret, come speak with me. With song, I'll soothe your soul.





오의 발동

We walk together.共に歩むの
Care for an encore?アンコールかしら
We create the future.未来を創るわ
For the world I dreamt of!夢見た世界へ


It's...all over...おしまい…なのね…


We can see this through!私たちならきっと
Cheer up, OK?元気を出して…
I'm a Legendary Hero? I see... So that's how I'm known in this world.私が、伝承の英雄…? そう…この世界ではそう呼ばれているのね…
If you'd like me to teach you a dance, you need simply ask.きゃっ…もう、どこを触るつもり?
That's where the song ends. It says nothing of the future. Maybe the next part is for someone else to write... Why don't we try?未来を示す歌詞はもうないわ。歌の続きを…未来を創っていくのは…私たち…
The path is yours to climb. But I'll help you on your way.その手が拓く未来(あす)は…今ここに… (歌ではなく、セリフとして言う)
You have to survive. Anything I can do to help you, I will.あなたに生きていて欲しいの。そのためなら、私は…

아군 턴 터치

I see...そうね
Choose your path.道を選んで
I'm with you.あなたと共に

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