충애의 용장 브루냐/대사


I am Brunnya, a Wyvern General of Bern in service of His Majesty, Zephiel. Watch as I lay low our foes.私はゼフィール国王陛下の将、ベルンが【三竜将】ブルーニャ。幾千の敵勢をも撃ち払ってみせましょう。

All I wished was to be ever at His Majesty's side...until the very end. Even now, those feelings linger...私は、陛下のおそばにいたかっただけ。最期の時まで、その想いと共に…これは未練、かしら。
Bern is the mightiest of all nations. Even defeated, we shall rise again... as surely as my heart still beats.ベルン王国軍こそ大陸最強。潰えようとも、必ず蘇る…その誇りは、今もこの胸に。
The fatigue is clear on your face. Why not rest a while? I can prepare some refreshments for you...疲れが顔に出ているわね。少し、休憩にしてはいかが?軽食でも用意してきましょう。
To summon Heroes from other worlds is a fearsome power... Beyond even that of the Dark Priestess...異世界からの英雄召喚…暗闇の巫女とも違う、なんという恐ろしい力…
A great general must be always learning. Complacency is the path to defeat... Dedication is key.優れた将ほど日々研鑽しているもの。おごった者から劣り、敗れていく…精進することです。

친구 방문

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Brunnya. I am at your service.失礼、こちらへは挨拶に参りました。私はブルーニャ。どうぞ、こちらをお納めください。

레벨 업

No foe can stand against Bern's finest!ベルンの精鋭の前に敵はない!
Such growth is expected for one in service of His Majesty. Anything less would be shameful.この程度のことは陛下の臣として当然の結果。
Forgive me, Majesty... Overlook my weakness...申し訳ありません、陛下…ブルーニャの力不足をおゆるしください……


You can trust that my every effort is at your disposal.このブルーニャに、相応の働きを期待してくださってかまいません。

5성 40레벨 달성

Your command style is quite...unusual to me, [Summoner].
Compared to the Bern's standard, it feels...loose. And vulnerable.
And yet, you make a habit of victory. Bern was strong...yet was defeated. Perhaps yours is the superior way?
I admit seeing faults in our strategy, but one does not halt when the pride of Bern's might drives you forward.
As His Majesty's general, I did what I believe to be right, but perhaps there was another way...
It is a weighty mantle you bear, meant for only the strongest of us. Yet...you carry it well, [Summoner].





오의 발동

Finally—a test!腕がなります
I won't give in!譲る訳にはいかない!
Bern will triumph!ベルンは敗れぬ!
I will face my fate.これは命令です


Your Majesty...無念です…


*plotting laugh*ふふ…
I am Brunnya, Wyvern General of Bern.ベルン三竜将のひとり、ブルーニャと申します。
Are you trying to display...friendship?!?…今のは友好の証なのでしょうか?驚いてしまいました。
Bern is the mightiest nation in the land. For us to lose is...unthinkable.我がベルンは大陸最強の国。敗北などありえません。
Why does His Majesty place such faith in the Dark Priestess...? How can he trust her?『暗闇の巫女』…陛下はなぜあんな怪しげな者を重用するのでしょう…
There are many paths one might take in life. You have chosen your own path, as I have chosen mine.人にはそれぞれ進むべき道があります。あなたも、そして私も。
Your Majesty, Zephiel... Please let me be at your side again...like before...ゼフィール陛下…どうかいつまでもおそばに……
It seems my path runs alongside yours for now. Mind if we walk together?あなたの進む道を私も共に歩みたい。そう思うのです。

아군 턴 터치

As you say.そうですか…
By your will.お望みのままに

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