영웅왕의 이해자 시다/대사


I have faith in the love we feel for those who are important to us. Do you trust in love?わたしは信じています。大切な人のことを愛する、この気持ちを。あなたは愛を信じますか。

Princess Nyna said that your feelings gain wings to reach further when you express them in words, or so I hear.思いは口にすることではじめて翼を持つもの。ニーナ様がそうおっしゃってたそうよ。
Talys, where I grew up, is only a small island kingdom, but maybe that's why people there looked after each other.わたしの育ったタリスは小さな島国。でも、だからこそ人が互いに助け合い、共に生きられたのかもしれない。
While you are pushing so hard to help out others, don't forget to take care of yourself too.皆のためにと無理はしていませんか。自分のことも大切にしてください。
What would you like to talk about today, [Summoner]?こんにちは、[召喚師]。今日はどんなお話をしましょうか。
Through words we can communicate heart to heart. I believe we should do so when reaching out to enemies too.言葉が通じれば、心を通わせられます。そう思うから、わたしは敵の側に立つ人にもできるだけ声を掛けてきました。

친구 방문

It's always a pleasure. I've come here with greetings for you from [Friend].はじめまして[召喚師]。[フレンド]がよろしくと言っておられました。

레벨 업

Do you have someone you love? Stay close to those who are important to you, and look after them.あなたには愛する人がいますか。大切な人のことを大事にして、寄り添ってあげてくださいね。
When I left Talys, I made the decision to remain by Marth's side, no matter what happens.わたしはタリスを発つときに決めたの。この先どんなことがあっても、わたしだけはマルス様についていこうって。
Please don't try to hold me back. I can't stay safe in the castle while everyone else is out fighting.止めないでください。皆が戦っているのに、わたしだけ城で待っているなんてできません。


I will do my best to repay this. Thank you, [Summoner].ありがとうございます、[召喚師]。お返しできるようがんばります。

5성 40레벨 달성

War devastates the heart, no matter how lovely the words used to speak of it. No matter how strong we are.
Those who are stronger may have a bigger heart to inflict wounds upon. To the point that it sometimes breaks.
I have witnessed such sorrow. Even Marth is just a person who has been in many battles and has many scars.
Grust, Macedon, Dolhr, Gra, Aurelis, and Archanea... Marth has fought battles throughout the continent.
Though driven from his kingdom, he is responsible for leading an army, so he has no freedom to complain.
That is why I wish to support him. To get closer to his strong heart. Even if I am asking for too much.
It's odd how freely I can speak with you. Thank you for listening. Putting my feelings into words refreshes me.





오의 발동

Lend me your strength.お力を借ります!
With all my heart!思いを乗せて…
I'll protect you.お守りします
For Marth!いつまでも共に…


Forgive me...すみま…せん…


As long as Marth is safe, consider me satisfied.マルス様がご無事でいてくれたら、他には何も望まないわ。
*gasp* Did you sneak up on me? That's rude, you know!きゃっ!? ああ、驚いたわ。意地悪ね。
Some say I should be more genteel. Frankly, I disagree.お転婆だってよく言われるの。あなたもそう思う?
The Order of Heroes has helped me realize how much there still is to learn.この特務機関で学ぶことはとても多いわ。
I'm not used to fighting in a cape. I should ask Marth how he does it.マントさばきは、これからマルス様に教えていただかないとね。
Marth... Please, let me stay by your side forever...どうか、いつまでもお傍に…マルス様…
If you ever need a shoulder to lean on, I'm here. I care about you too, you know.苦しみも悲しみも分け合いましょう。あなたは私の大切な人よ。

아군 턴 터치

As you say.その通りね
What shall we do?どうすれば…
I'll get us there.行ってくるわね

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