암야를 비추는 월광 카밀라/대사


I'm Camilla, Nohr's new queen. No need to be too formal with me.私はカミラ…新たな女王として暗夜王国を統べる者……あら、そんなに固くならなくてもいいのよ?

I promise to love all my subjects equally—just as much as I do my beloved siblings and adorable girls...愛しいきょうだいや強くて可愛い女の子と同じくらい、国民皆を平等に愛していくつもりよ。
Finally, the dark age of the impostor king is over. Now, my duty is to guide Nohr as a light out of that darkness.悪意に染まった偽りの王が君臨していた暗黒の時代は終わったわ。月のように暗夜を導くのが、私の役目。
I can see your burdens weigh heavy on you... No point hiding it from me. Now, why don't you come over here...あら…疲れがたまっているようね。隠してもダメよ、わかるんだから。ほら、こっちにおいでなさい…
The sheer amount of paperwork I have as queen is causing my posture to suffer... Whatever will I do!難しい書類ばかり見せられて…以前より肩がこるようになったのよ。よかったら少し揉んでくれないかしら?
I want Nohr to feel a love deeper than the Bottomless Canyon. That is what I dream for my reign as queen...無限渓谷よりも深い愛で、民を満たしてあげたい。そんな女王でありたいと思っているわ。

친구 방문

I am Camilla, the new Queen of Nohr. ...Oh! No need to bow! You're friends with [Friend], yes?[フレンド]のご友人なのね。私はカミラ、暗夜王国の新女王よ。ふふ、そんなに恐縮しなくてもいいわ。

레벨 업

Ahh, my dragon blood boils! This body, this blood...rejoices!ああっ、竜の血が滾る…!この身が、この血が悦びを感じているんだわ……!
Hmhmhmm... No one can stop my advance. No one.うふふ…私の進撃を阻める者などいないわ。
Such a naughty child. Don't make me make you regret what you've done...いけない子たち…すぐにあの世に送って…後悔させてあげる…


Oh my... With this, it will be even easier to win the hearts of both my retainers and subjects.あらあら…うふふ…この力で臣下や民の心をもっと掴めてしまうわね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ah! There you are. Can we speak a moment, [Summoner]?
I've been thinking... I shouldn't overuse the power of the dragon that flows in my blood...
It was so much simpler before. I had only to kill anyone who posed a threat to my country or siblings.
Leading a country is another matter altogether... I think I'm beginning to understand Father a bit better.
Can I really lead Nohr? Someone like me? ...Speaking to you has at least gotten it off my chest, so thank you.
So that I may be the light that shines for Nohr—so the darkness cannot swallow me...keep ahold of my hand.


Nah uh!ダメよ


That hurts...痛いじゃない…

오의 발동

You asked for this.これが欲しいの?
Time for your punishment.お・し・お・き
Feeling naughty?まあ、悪い子…
That's enough out of you.おいたはそこまで


Was it...too much...?私には無理なの…?


There, there...いい子ね
Do you...need a hug?抱きしめてあげる
Hmm... "Camilla, Queen of Nohr." Has a certain ring to it, wouldn't you say?暗夜女王カミラ…ってところかしら。どう? 似合う?
The crown was never something I wanted. I have...other interests.政【まつりごと】になんて興味はないのに、困ったわ…
A ruler's work is to shape her country... Perhaps I'll remake Nohr as the homeland of adorable girls...どんな国にしたいって? そうねえ…可愛い女の子でいっぱいの国かしら。
Of course, I must keep up relations with Hoshido. If I don't, a certain someone will be upset with me...もちろん、白夜王国とも仲良くするわ。あの子が悲しむもの。
Even as queen, I'm the same Camilla—nothing will keep me from your side.女王になっても私は変わらない。可愛いあなたのそばにずっといるわ。

아군 턴 터치

I'm listening.聞いてあげる
Orders? For me?私に命令?
If that's what you want.従ってあげるわ

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