암야에 춤추는 꽃 카밀라/대사


I am Camilla, princess of Nohr. I'll be playing the part of ninja today, so if you need to find me...good luck.暗夜王国の王女、カミラよ。今日は闇に忍ぶ者としてお祭りに参加させてもらうわ。

This ninja garb is quite charming. Useful if I need to have my target wrapped around my finger...忍者の装束、なかなか刺激的ね。これなら相手を魅了して幻惑することもたやすいわ。
I've always wanted to learn about the ninja of Hoshido. How lucky that this festival's drawn them into the light.白夜王国の忍に興味があったの。アスク王国のお祭りで間近で見られてうれしいわ。
I'm well aware of how essential it is to gather reliable intelligence. One false lead can have dire consequences.諜報活動の大事さは知っているわ。間違った情報がときに大きな悲劇を生むことも…ね。
As Corrin and Elise said, this festival is full of surprises. It's quite a thrill to experience so many new things.あの子とエリーゼに聞いたとおりとっても変わったお祭りね。未知の文化に触れるのは、心が躍るわ。
"So long as it is in service to Corrin, I shall do whatever is asked of me." There—was that ninja enough?あの子のためならどんな任務もこなしてみせる…。どう? 忍者らしい雰囲気が出てた?

친구 방문

Camilla the ninja, at your service. I have a little gift for you, from your friend [Friend].忍者カミラ、ただいま参上よ。[フレンド]からの心ばかりの贈り物、受け取ってもらえる?

레벨 업

Ninja are always ready to risk their lives for the ones they care about. That is their greatest strength, I think.誰かのために命をかける…それが忍者の強さかもしれないわね。
If those eyes of yours wander much longer, I might begin to suspect that you've let your guard down.どこを見ていたのかしら?そんなに隙を見せるなんて…ずいぶんと余裕があるのね。
So sorry—I know I have a tendency to stand out in a crowd. I'll do my best to be discreet in the future.あら…目立ちすぎるのはよくないわね。次は気をつけるわ。


Charm isn't the only means I have to gather information. I'll prove it to you.色仕掛けだけじゃないってこと証明してあげるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

A ninja will fearlessly take on any mission, even a life-threatening one, in service to a lord.
Partaking in this festival has given me a great appreciation for the strength and resolve of ninja.
Especially because that strength most often comes from a desire to protect those who are important to them.
I can, of course, relate to that a great deal from my personal experience.
As a princess, I rely on those who support me from the shadows. It's refreshing to see the other side of it.
Thank you for giving me this learning opportunity. It's not one I'll soon forget, [Summoner].





오의 발동

Your life is mine!お命頂戴!
Accept defeat.あなたの負けね
I will see this through.任務を果たすわ
No hard feelings, dear.恨みっこなしよ


They found me...見つかっちゃった…


A festival to honor the ninja of Hoshido? How fascinating.白夜王国の忍者のお祭りなのね。楽しみだわ。
*gasp* I let you catch me by surprise? How unbecoming of a ninja.きゃっ…! ふふ、隙があったかしら? だめね、忍者なのに。
Gathering intelligence is more difficult than I thought. My retainers deserve more praise!諜報活動って大変なのね。もっと臣下を労わらなきゃ。
None of this is easy for me, you know. I do tend to stand out.こそこそ行動するのは苦手だわ。どうしても目立っちゃうのよね。
I could tell you all my secrets, but then I'd have to... Well, you know.私の秘密を知ったら、あなたでも…なんて、冗談よ。
Corrin and Elise make utterly adorable ninja.あの子とエリーゼの忍者姿、とっても可愛かったわ。
What will it be today? Infiltration? Assassination? I'm ready for anything.暗殺? 色仕掛け? 何でも命じてちょうだい。

아군 턴 터치

Ready, sweetie.承知したわ
Stealthy as can be.こっそりね

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