뇌정의 기사 카트린/대사


The name's Catherine—I'm a Knight of Seiros and servant of the goddess. Want to taste my blade?アタシの名はカトリーヌ。女神のしもべたるセイロス騎士団の剣、その身で味わってみるか?

You trying to pick a fight? Come on, don't back down now. It's just a test of strength. No one has to die.適当に喧嘩を売ってもいいんだよな?なに、ただの腕試しだ。死人は出ないって。
I only swing my sword for Lady Rhea. Not that I can imagine her having many enemies in this world...アタシが剣を振るうのは、レア様のためだ。ま、こっちの世界にはレア様の敵がいるとは思えないけどさ。
You look tired. Make sure you're getting enough sleep between training.どうした、疲れてんのか?そういう時は、ぱーっと騒いだあと、寝ちまえばいいんだよ。
I hear you're no use with weapons? That's disappointing. I was hoping we could spar.アンタ、武器はからっきしなんだっけ?剣が使えたら、ぶっ倒れるまで鍛錬の相手をしてもらおうかと思ったのにさ。
Weapon maintenance is important. Thunderbrand's blade never chips, but the hilt will be ruined if I ignore it.アタシの剣…“雷霆”を調整してんだ。こいつは刃こぼれはしないが、ほっとくと柄のほうが壊れるんでね。

친구 방문

There are so many Heroes here. It fuels my drive... Oh, right! Greetings from [Friend]!腕の立ちそうな奴がいっぱいで、燃えてくるねえ、ここは。…おっと、[フレンド]から手紙さ。

레벨 업

There's no one who can stop my progress!もう誰もアタシを止められない…そうだろ?
As long as you keep fighting, you'll get stronger, even if that wasn't your intention.戦ってりゃ嫌でも鍛えられるよ。
Even I have times where I don't grow as much as I had hoped.アタシにだって伸び悩む時期はあるさ。


I always welcome opportunities to learn and grow!新しいことができるようになるのは大歓迎さ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Of all the things I've experienced in this world, I only have one regret: not being able to fight you!
I find you and your leadership style fascinating, but I'll never be able to know how you operate in combat.
Well, no sense dwelling on it. I'll just have to change my frame of mind. Still, it really is too bad.
At least I can still see some action on the battlefield. I'll have to settle for celebrating victories with you instead!
From now on, I'll wield the Hero's Relic Thunderbrand for you!





오의 발동

Stay down!とっとと倒れな!
Where do I start?隙だらけだよ!
Out of my sight!はっ、目障りだ!
Here it comes!燃えてくるねえ!


If I die here...アタシの身が……滅んでも……


Relax. If nobody's dying, it's not worth getting worked up over.命のやり取りがないと、どうにも緊張感がね…
Don't sneak up on me like that. I almost cut you down. It's a reflex.…! っと、アンタか。危うく斬りそうになったよ。
Despite what you may think, I was actually born to a noble line. I even bear their Crest.これでも貴族の生まれでね、先祖から血を受け継いでるんだ。
These hands can brawl with the best of them, but don't ask me to pick a lock or thread a needle.細かい作業は苦手なんだよ。針仕事とかさ。
The Knights of Seiros are sometimes called the shining knights. We're the sword and shield of the divine Seiros.セイロス騎士団は、ホントはもっと長い名前なんだが…忘れたな。
The sword may be my focus, but I'm good even without a weapon. You'll never catch me with my guard down.アタシは剣が得意だが、剣を失った時の戦い方だって鍛えてるよ。
Give me the toughest opponents you can find. For you, I'll take on any challenge.相手には強敵を用意してくれよ? 楽しみだねえ。

아군 턴 터치

I'll crush them all.よし
Don't overdo it.何だ?
This way.こっちだな!

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