푸른 쌍익 카츄아/대사


I'm Catria, of Macedon's Whitewings, and this is Thea, of the Ilian pegasus knights. Azure Wings, at your service.マケドニア白騎士団のカチュア、並びにイリア天馬騎士団のティト。蒼の双翼、ここに参上いたしました。

Catria : I'm often mistaken for Thea while I'm out on patrol... Is it the hair? It must be the hair, right?カチュア : 城の中を歩いているとよくティトに間違えられるのよね…そんなに似ているのかしら。
Thea : Younger siblings are to be spoiled and scolded as need demands. Catria and I are of one mind there.ティト : 妹を甘やかすばかりじゃなく、厳しく接することもときには大切…カチュアもそう言っていたわ。
Catria : The middle sister must be a bridge between younger and older. Few can truly understand... But Thea does.カチュア : 次女にはね、姉と妹の間をつなぐ役割があるのよ。微妙な立ち位置というのかしら…ティトならわかるわよね。
Thea : I would happily take armor and lance over a frilly dress any day... But some variety can't hurt, I suppose.ティト : 私には鎧と槍のほうが合っていると思ってたけど…花嫁衣装もいいものね。
Catria : I hadn't imagined other worlds would have trios who had mastered the art of the Triangle Attack as well...カチュア : まさか、異界にもトライアングルアタックの使い手がいるなんて…

친구 방문

Greetings. I'm Catria, and this is Thea. We've come as envoys on the behalf of [Friend].[フレンド]の城より使者として参りました、カチュアです。こちらはティト。よろしくお願いします。

레벨 업

Catria : All right, Thea! If we keep this up, we're sure to reach new heights!カチュア : ティト、この調子よ!私たちなら、もっと高く飛べる!
Thea : With Catria at my back, I can devote all my focus to what's in front of me.ティト : カチュアなら、私の背中を任せられる…!
Thea : Oof. Let's try not to overdo it. If we accomplish our mission, we'll have performed well enough...ティト : 高望みはしない。自らの役目を果たすのみよ。


Catria : Thank you. Thea and I will be sure to put this to good use.カチュア : ありがとう…!この力、私たちが活かしてみせる!

5성 40레벨 달성

Catria : I used to think there was no one I'd rather share the sky with than Palla, Est, or even Princess Minerva...
Thea : I know what you mean. When I flew alongside Juno or Shanna, my heart always pounded with excitement.
Catria : Exactly! Which is why it's so strange that when I'm flying with you, I feel so serene... Just perfectly in sync.
Thea : I feel the same... It's like the joy of... just being yourself. No performing for others, just existing as you are.
I think we're alike in more ways than we may have thought. Perhaps right down to the very core of our being.
Catria : You may be right. In any case, I am glad we met...and glad we can take wing in Askr's azure skies together.
カチュア : 今まで私は、翼を並べて飛ぶなら姉妹たちやミネルバ様が一番…そう思っていたの。
ティト : 私もよ。ユーノ姉さんやシャニーと一緒に飛んでいるときがなによりも心が踊ったわ。
カチュア : でも不思議ね。ティトと一緒に飛んでいると、すごく心が軽いの。まるで、もう一人の自分といるような…
ティト : 飾ることなく、強がることなくどこまでも飛んでいけそうな…でしょ?私もまったく同じ気持ちよ。
カチュア : この世界で、あなたと出会えてよかった。これからも二人で翔けましょう。アスクの青い空を、どこまでも。




This can't be...なんてこと…

오의 발동

Duo : I do!二人 : 誓います!
Duo : We bring... Love!二人 : 愛を あなたに
Catria : By your side...カチュア : 永遠におそばに…
Thea : This is all for you!ティト : お慕いしています


Was this my fate?やっぱり…こうなるの…?


"How do I look?" "Like a true bride!"「似合うかしら」「ばっちりよ」

아군 턴 터치

Not my first choice...恥ずかしいわ…
To be by his side...あの人のもとへ
Wait for me!待っててください

공격시 후위 서포트

You're the best!あなたが一番よ
You're not alone.ひとりじゃないわ

비익/쌍계 스킬

"You look radiant!" "As do you."「きれいね」「あなたこそ」
"Here we go!" "Count on me!"「いきましょう」「まかせて」

비익/쌍계 대화

Thea : A bridal festival... I wonder when my big day is destined to arrive.ティト : 花嫁か…。いつか私も花嫁になる日が来るのかしら。
Catria : It'll come. You're so sweet, and you'll make a fine match sooner than later.カチュア : そりゃあ来るわよ。ティトは可愛いもの。
Thea : That's very kind of you to say. But surely the same is true of you! You look beautiful in that dress...ティト : ふふ…ありがとう。カチュアも素敵よ。とっても似合ってる。
Catria : I appreciate the compliment, but... I don't see myself wearing something like this for real.カチュア : 嬉しいわ。でも…私は自分が花嫁になる日が来るなんて思えない。
Thea : Oh... Are you sure about that?ティト : そんな…どうして?
Catria : Mm... Would you say it is proper to agree to marry when, deep in your heart, you love another?カチュア : 心に秘めた人がいるのに、他の人の花嫁になるわけにはいかないでしょう?
Thea : Another? So you have a secret love...ティト : カチュア…。そう、秘めなければいけない恋をしてるのね。
Catria : I can't ignore my heart... So I must content myself to serve at his side.カチュア : ええ。でもいいの。私はお傍にいられればそれだけで…
Thea : I understand how you feel, but... can you really settle for that and truly be happy?ティト : 気持ちはわかるけど…でも私はカチュアにも幸せになってほしい。
There is someone out there who would be lucky to have you. And seeing you in that dress...
I cannot help but say that you deserve to be loved!
Catria : Oh, Thea... Let's not get ahead of ourselves! And what about you? You're also dressed as a bride...カチュア : もう、ティトったら。そういうあなたは?花嫁になりたい人はいないの?
Thea : I'm not really sure... I can tell you that my older sister's wedding was eye-opening.ティト : 私は…よくわからないわ。でもね、私の姉さんの結婚式がとても素敵だったの。
I don't mean that it was fancy... because it wasn't. It's just...I've never seen her so happy.贅沢なことはできなかったけど、あんな幸せそうな姉さん、初めて見た。
Seeing two people...standing so close, so close that they seem almost to become one... It has an effect.
You want that for yourself.
Catria : Your day will come. And when it does, I'll be there to celebrate!カチュア : きっと叶うわ。その時は私も招待してね?
Thea : And when your wedding comes, I'll expect an invitation!ティト : もちろん!あなたの時もね。約束よ?
Catria : Hee hee! All right, then. I suppose we both have something to look forward to!カチュア : ええ、約束。ふふっ、その日が来るのが楽しみだわ。

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