냉정한 차녀 카츄아/대사


I'm Catria. My younger sister was kidnapped by pirates... Might I find her in this world, I wonder?カチュアよ。海賊にさらわれた妹を捜しているの。この世界にいるかしら…?

Though I know they're from other worlds, seeing multiple Pallas and Ests here still feels quite strange...違う世界の人とはいえ、自分や姉さまやエストが何人もいるのは奇妙な気分ね…
I went all the way from Archanea to Valentia, looking for my sister... And that's how I met Celica.妹を捜してアカネイアからバレンシアに渡ったの。そこでセリカに助けてもらったのよ。
With all these...unique...Heroes under your command, how are you not always exhausted by their antics?
I ask because, having a free-spirited younger sister, I feel like I can relate...
I'd like to acclimate my pegasus to the sights and sounds of this world... Any suggestion on where to start?私のペガサスをこの世界に慣れさせてあげたいの。案内を頼めないかしら。
Huh? Oh, no, I'm not looking for anyone right now. I'm just out on a walk, that's all...えっ? 誰か探しているのかって?そ、そんなことないわ。ちょっと見て回ってるだけよ。

친구 방문

Ah! Glad I finally found you. You're [Summoner], right?[召喚師]ね。[フレンド]からの挨拶、確かに伝えたわ。

레벨 업

YES! Er... Excuse me. I shouldn't get so excited...やったわ!…っと、浮かれちゃダメよね。
Ah, a result to match the effort. Satisfactory.努力に見合った結果だわ。満足よ。
I've disappointed even myself. Forgive me...ごめんなさい…自分が情けないわ。


With this, I'll protect you, and this world, without fail!あなたもこの世界も、私がきっと守ってみせるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I traveled from Archanea to Valentia searching for Est, and now I find myself in Askr... My head is spinning!
Palla always says new places lead to new faces...and I'm sure Est is ecstatic exploring new places...
Why am I so different? Sometimes it makes me wish I'd been born a bit more carefree...
Wishing won't make it so, though... And besides, I've come to accept that who I am now isn't all that bad.
After all...I see a bit of myself in you. The glue that binds Heroes together... It may be hard, but we'll do our best!
同じ姉妹なのにどうしてこんなに違うのかしら? 私ももっと気楽な性格に生まれたかったわ。





오의 발동

Is that all?その程度なの?
I've got this!ここは私が!
I'll protect you!守ってみせる!


Oh, no...くやしいわね…


I am Catria. I'm looking for my sister. Have you seen her?私はカチュア。妹を探しているのだけど…あなた、知らない?
Eeek! ... Grrr... Do you enjoy doing things like that?きゃあっ! …もう…そんなことをして楽しいの?
I'm so proud of Palla, my older sister. She's the best of the Pegasus Knights, and so kind.パオラ姉さまは私の自慢よ。優しくて、天馬騎士としても一流なの。
My little sister Est is, well...spoiled. She does whatever she likes. OK, I'm a bit jealous.エストはいつも自由で甘えん坊で…ちょっとうらやましいわ。
Macedon, Valentia, Askr... Where will I go next?マケドニア、バレンシア、アスク王国…私、次はどこへ行くのかしら?
Is Prince Marth in this world, too? No, no, no... Now's not the time.この世界にもマルス様が…? いいえ、考えちゃいけないわ…
I can learn a lot from watching you, I can tell. I'd like to stick close to you, if that's all right.あなたの戦い方は勉強になるから、もっと傍で学ばせてほしいの。

아군 턴 터치

I won't lose.負けないわ

캐릭터 페이지로