바람의 용자 세티/대사


My name is Ced. I will do what I can to alleviate the suffering of others, in my father and mother's places.私の名はセティ。父と母になりかわり、苦しむ民を救いたい…風の勇者と人は呼びます。

"Hero on the Wind," am I? The fact that I am named Ced, like one of the 12 crusaders, is mere coincidence.「風の勇者」だなんて……たまたま、風の聖戦士セティと同じ名前というだけのことですよ。
I set out from Silesse to seek a cure for my mother. Taking care of her alone must have been hard on Fee.私は母上の病を治す方法を知るために、シレジアを飛び出してしまいました。妹のフィーには面倒をかけたと思います…
No matter the era, no matter the realm... Must the weak be ground under the heel of the strong?いつの時代も、どこの世界でも。弱い者はしいたげられ、強い者がみにくくはびこるのか…
My sister and I cannot help but aid those in need—it's in our blood. My mother is the same.私も妹も、困っている人を見るとほうっておけない性分のようです。母もそのような人でした…血筋ですね。
Someday I will return to Silesse and devote myself to the people. But first I must hone my knowledge.いつかシレジアに戻り、人々のためにつくすつもりです。いまは大いに見聞を広げていきますよ。

친구 방문

By chance...do you know anything of my father? Please, if you do... Tell me.あなたが[召喚師]さん…もし、私の父のことを知っていればぜひおしえてください。

레벨 업

I have grasped the power of Ced, the legendary crusader...伝説の聖戦士セティ……感じる、その力を…!
For the people's liberation!人々の自由のために!
If I am wounded, it matters not. Moving forward is all that counts.傷つくのはもとより覚悟の上…歩みを止めるわけにはいかない…!


I see you expect much from me... I will do my best for you.期待されているのですね…できるかぎりのことはがんばってみますよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I feel that we have achieved a real rapport, [Summoner].
I probably mentioned this before, but my father chose his own path. In doing so, he abandoned his family.
I had hoped my mother could see him one last time before she passed, though she never spoke of it.
I think I understand why, now. My father had his own journey. He had to come to grips with something.
You have the same air about you. Perhaps that is why I continue to fight by your side. I hope that's all right.




I was careless...!甘かった…!

오의 발동

Freedom comes!自由はきます
We must believe!信じて下さい!
I'm more than prepared.覚悟の上…
I won't be defeated.やられないよ


Was that the best I can do?無念だ……


My name is Ced. I was defending Munster, and now, I'm here.私の名はセティ。マンスターの城を守っていました。
Oh! My apologies. Y-you surprised me. Can I be of service?っ…? ああ、びっくりしました。何かご用でしょうか?
I came upon Munster while searching for my father. The people there needed my help, so I stayed.父の行方を追っていたのですが…マンスターの人たちを放っておけません。
Please, Lord Seliph... The people of this world have lost hope. Only you can save them.セリス様、世界をお救い下さい。多くの民は絶望の中にあります。
My mother was deeply sincere and easily moved to tears.母はとても生真面目で、少し涙もろい人でした。
Hero? Not I. I am as helpless as anyone.私は勇者などではない。ただの臆病者です…
Wherever you go, I shall follow!どこまでもご一緒にまいります!

아군 턴 터치

At the ready!はい!
Proceeding with caution.慎重に…
I've been waiting.待っていました

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