바람의 성전사 세티/대사


I am Ced, leader of the Magi in Munster. Together, I believe you and I can save many lives.マンスターでマギ団を率いているセティだ。人々を救うため、力を合わせよう。

I shall return home to Silesse after I defeat Raydrik. I promised as much to Karin.レイドリックを打倒した暁には、シレジアに帰ろう……カリンとも約束したことだしな。
Prince Leif helped me realize what it means to be a crusader, and what purpose our power is meant to serve.リーフ王子には気付かされた。聖戦士とは何か……我らの力は誰のためにあるのかと。
I cannot ignore the plight of those in need. My sister is the same—she is truly our mother's daughter.困っている人を見ると放ってはおけない。妹もそうだ……やはり母上の子だな。
Mother... I regret that I could not get you even a glimpse of Father before...母上……無念です。父上に一目だけでも会わせてあげたかった。
I heard a rumor that my father was in Munster. I traveled there as quickly as I could, but he was already gone.父上がマンスターに逗留されている――その噂を聞いて駆けつけたのだが、もう旅立たれたあとだったのだ。

친구 방문

I am searching for my father. You don't happen to know anything, do you, [Summoner]?[召喚師]さんはこちらに? 父の行方について何かご存知ないだろうか。

레벨 업

The correct approach to war is to save as many lives as you can. There is no meaning in being a sole survivor.わかるか、戦争は私闘ではない……1人だけ勝ち残っても意味がないのだ。多くの命を救い、守る――私は、そのために。
Those who surrender without a fight will be spared. I swear it.おとなしく降伏すれば命は保障する。
Only my father could have cured my mother's illness. Even by her side, I could not help her...…母上のご病気は父上にしか治せなかった。私がそばについていたとしても、何一つできることはなかったのだ……


Let us gather our strength and stand against adversity. Only with a strong will can we achieve our aims.多くの力を束ね、困難に立ち向かおう。その成し遂げようとする志が大切なんだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

An evil cult devoted to the dark god Loptous once ruled all of Jugdral for several centuries.
That empire was finally overthrown by the heroes we call the crusaders.
But simply being crusaders is not what made them heroes. Their heroism was in their actions.
Rather than meekly submit to power, they chose to endure terrible conflict to fight for freedom and peace.
That is what a crusader is to me: one who leads people to victory, as Lord Seliph and Prince Leif have done.
I aspire to do the same. I only hope my mother is watching over us.





오의 발동

I will hold fast to hope.希望は捨てない
O wind...風よ…
To cast off all chains!解き放つ!
Guide me.導いてくれ


I go no further...これまでか…


I am Ced of the Magi. Do not think me a hero.私はマギ団のセティ。勇者なんて、身の丈に合いません。
Was that you? I thought I was touched by the breeze.…? ああ、風かと思いました。
What does it mean to be a crusader? I feel that Prince Leif embodies the very idea.聖戦士とはなにか…私はその答えをリーフ王子の中に見た気がします。
To inherit a divine weapon does not make one a crusader. To carry on the will of the crusaders is the true measure.聖戦士とは神器ではなく、意志を受け継ぐ者です。
The hard road Prince Leif has been forced to march has also made him strong.リーフ王子はもっとも困難な中で成長し、誰よりも長く戦ってきました。
So many have suffered such great loss... For their sake, I must continue on.多くの失った者たちのために、私は歩みを止める訳にはいかない。
You are embraced by a gentle breeze.あなたは優しい風に包まれている。

아군 턴 터치

I await your orders.指示をください
My aid is yours.お役に立ちます

캐릭터 페이지로