발렌시아의 왕비 세리카/대사
I'm Celica, queen of the One Kingdom of Valentia. If I can help this world find peace, too, then I simply must. | バレンシア統一王国の王妃、セリカよ。この世界の平和の為に、私にもできることがあるのなら…… |
It's so lively here with people from so many different worlds. It reminds me of my own travels. I wonder how everyone is doing... | ここにはいろんな人がいて賑やかで、旅をしていた頃を思い出すわ。みんな、どうしているのかしら…… |
As a queen, every day is quite busy— but also quite fulfilling. I couldn't be happier. I do face every day with Alm, after all. | 王妃として、毎日とても忙しいけれど……とても充実していて幸せよ。だって、アルムがいっしょだもの。 |
In my world, two long-warring kingdoms are finally at peace. And now, it's Askr's turn. | 私たちの世界ではふたつの国が争っていたんだけれど、やっと平和になったの。次はあなたたちの世界の番ね。 |
The flowers in the garden are in full bloom. They're beautiful, aren't they? Let's take a stroll together. | ねえ、庭園のお花がとてもきれいに咲いていたの。いっしょにお散歩に行きましょうよ。 |
May all those precious to me, and everyone in my kingdom, know happiness... Now and forever. Hm? Oh, I was just finishing saying my prayers to the goddess Mila. | ミラさまにお祈りしていたの。大切な人と国のみんなが今日も幸せでありますようにって。 |
친구 방문
Your ally asked me to come say hello. Be sure to remain good friends with [Friend], OK? | 頼まれて挨拶に来たの。[フレンド]とこれからも仲良くしてあげてね。 |
레벨 업
To think I could grow this much! It's all thanks to you and Alm. | こんなに成長できるなんて……!きっとあなたとアルムのおかげね。 |
I mustn't stop growing simply because I've become a queen. | 王妃になったからって歩みを止める訳ではないわ。 |
My apologies... Perhaps I haven't been as focused as I should be... | 気が緩んでいたのかしら……ごめんなさい。 |
Even now, I continue to be surprised by my own potential. | こんな可能性が私にあるなんて……嬉しいわ、ありがとう。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Now that Alm and I rule our kingdom, we spend all our time together. I'm so happy for that, but I wonder... Every day, Alm is stuck inside the castle, busy with the tasks of his new position. Sometimes when I look into his eyes, I think he'd rather be charging into battle, sword held overhead. I don't wish for him to be in such danger, of course... But I do want him to be true to himself. Being summoned here by you, however, has reminded me of something. It takes resolve not only to fight when called upon, but also to lay down your arms in times of peace. If someday the two of us must once again march onto the battlefield, I won't hesitate to do what I must. I have you to thank for reminding me of my own resolve. | 私ね、アルムの妃になれていつもいっしょで…今、とても幸せなの。でも、アルムはどうなのかしら。 毎日お城に閉じこもって執務ばかり……本当は、みんなと共に戦場を駆けて剣を振るいたいんじゃないかって。 彼の顔を見ていると、そんな気がする。もちろん、危険なことはしてほしくないわ。でも…自分らしくいて欲しいの。 それにね。私、あなたに召喚されて思い出したの。戦うべきときには戦う覚悟も必要だということを。 もし再び戦場に立つ日がきても、私はもう迷わないわ。あなたのおかげよ、ありがとう。 |
たあっ! | |
いくわよ! |
きゃああっ! | |
油断したわ… |
오의 발동
You should pray. | 祈りなさい |
Mila guide me! | ミラさま…! |
I shall stop you! | あなたを止める! |
For the future of this land! | この地に未来を… |
Alm... I'm sorry... | アルム…ごめんね… |
Hm? | あら? |
I'm Celica. Queen of the One Kingdom of Valentia. | 私はセリカ。バレンシア統一王国の…王妃なの。 |
Wha—?! Oh, it's you. You're such a trickster. | きゃっ…! もう、いじわるね。 |
Right now, I'm just happy I can be with Alm. | 今は、アルムといっしょにいられて幸せよ。 |
I'm a little sad that I can't see my former traveling companions... And it makes me feel a little lonely. | 旅をしたみんなに会えないのは、少し寂しいわ。 |
Our duty is to Valentia. We'll transform it into a land of abundance, where people no longer make war with one another. | バレンシアを豊かで争いのない国にすることが、私たちの使命なの。 |
Don't let me go, Alm... Don't ever leave my side. | アルム…私をずっと離さないでね… |
I believe in you. Never give up. | あなたの力を信じているわ。だから、あきらめないで。 |
아군 턴 터치
I have hope. | 希望はあるわ。 |
Like this? | こうかしら? |
Leave it to me. | 私に任せて。 |