넘치는 우애 시트리니카/대사


How do you do? I'm Citrinne, a royal soldier of Brodia. It's an honor to be here. Thank you for inviting me.ごきげんよう。わたしはブロディア王城兵シトリニカ。こうしてお招きいただき、光栄だわ。

This hall seems lovelier every time I see it. I'm convinced it would be a wonderful spot for a ball or banquet.見れば見るほど素敵な広間ね。晩餐会や舞踏会を開いたら、きっと素晴らしい催しになると思うわ。
I can tell that you treasure your home as much as I do mine. For that reason, I will do all I can to protect it.わたしは故郷を心から愛しているわ。だから、あなた方の愛するこの場所も必ず守りたいと、そう思っているの。
How can I show you my gratitude? Hmm... I know! Tell me your favorite food—I'll get you a lifetime supply.宜しければ好物を教えてくださる?召喚師様への感謝のしるしとして、あるだけ買い占めてきて差し上げたいの。
Your weapon is made of a most fascinating metal. The craftsmanship is very impressive too.あなたの神器、見たことのない金属でできているのね。強くしなやかで美しい…加工技術も一級品だとお見受けするわ。
As much as I strive to be dazzling, there are times when I have to set appearances aside for training's sake.どんな時も優雅に、煌びやかに…そう心掛けてはいるのだけれど、形振り構わない鍛錬も時には必要だわ。

친구 방문

What a lovely castle you have! Oh, I've brought you a little something from [Friend]. Here.こんにちは。ここも素敵なお城ね。[フレンド]からの友好の品物をお持ちしたわ、どうぞ。

레벨 업

I've attained something valuable and rare by my own hands...and I plan to celebrate it.得難い貴重なものを得たわ。今回ばかりは喜んで良いかしら。
Oh, I'm so delighted! I feel as if I've just arrived at a banquet.光栄だわ。晩餐会に招かれた気分よ。
Oh, my... Perhaps I'll do better next time.あらまあ…次の機会を待ちましょうか。


I am so grateful for this wonderful gift. It's every bit as thrilling as the first dance at a ball!素敵な贈り物、うれしいわ。まるで舞踏会にいるような高揚感よ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Let me take a moment to express to you how delighted I've been with my time here, [Summoner].
Every day has presented me with new opportunities to meet people from all manner of backgrounds.
I've met other nobles like me, people from tribes that don't exist on Elyos...and you, of course.
Time is more valuable than any gem, and you've devoted a considerable portion of yours to me. Thank you.
I truly appreciate every moment we have spent together. And, if I may, I hope there are many more to come.





오의 발동

I will protect everyone!わたしが守るわ
Allow me to dazzle you!煌びやかに参りましょう
I beg your pardon!ごめんあそばせ
May I cut in?差し上げるわ


The ball is over...舞踏会は、おしまいね…


I'm so grateful to have been invited to this lovely place.素敵な場所にお招きいただいてうれしいわ。
Oh! Do you like my accessories? Let me gift you a set—then we can match!あら、この装飾が気になるの? 良かったら同じものを差し上げましょうか?
The castle here would make a wonderful venue for a ball.アスク王国のお城では、舞踏会は開かれないのかしら。
I'd like us to become friends, so let me start off with a gift. Oh, I know! What would you say to your very own island getaway?お近づきのしるしに、故郷の無人島を差し上げたいのだけれど。
I love your outfit! White is the most difficult color to maintain, but the effort is very much worth it.あなたの御召し物、とても素敵ね。白い服はお手入れが大変なのに素晴らしいわ。
I simply must train harder. There is no other way around my lack of skill.わたしは実力が足りない分、沢山鍛練をしなくては…
As grateful as I am for this opportunity, I do miss my homeland. Brodia is my treasure. Perhaps I'll show you its beauty one day.愛する土地を離れたのは寂しいけれど、得難い経験ができて感謝しているわ。いつかあなたにも、わたしの好きなブロディアの景色をお見せしたいわね。

아군 턴 터치

My pleasure.喜んで
Allow me.華やかに
Show me the way.エスコートをお願い

캐릭터 페이지로