가면 아래의 맨얼굴 콘라트/대사


Hello there! My name is Conrad, and I come bearing gifts. You'll do me the honor of accepting them, won't you?僕はコンラート!君への贈り物を持ってきたんだ。受け取ってくれるよね?

Look at this gift I got from Anthiese! I'll treasure it until the end of time!見て見て!アンテーゼから贈り物もらったんだ。僕の宝物にしなきゃ!
My mask isn't a good fit for a festival about love, so I left it at home. There won't be any enemies today, right?お祭りだから仮面は置いてきちゃった。敵が出たらどうしよう…まあ、何とかなるよね?
Are you shy about giving gifts? Don't worry. What matters isn't what you give—what matters is it's from you.[召喚師]からの贈り物なら、みんな木の枝だって喜んでくれるよ。自信を持ってね!
Hey, the band's playing our song! What?! Of course we have a song! Come on, let's dance!ねえ、あっちに楽団がいてみんなで踊ってるんだ。僕たちも踊らない?
I bought this flute from a local trader. Nice, right? Only...I don't know how to play. Which holes are for what?これ、屋台で買ったおもちゃなんだけどどうやって遊ぶのかな…え? ここを吹くの?

친구 방문

I'm honored to be the Day of Devotion messenger for [Friend]. So exciting![フレンド]が祭りの使者に僕を選んでくれたんだ。えへへ、嬉しいなあ…

레벨 업

Yes! Presents!わーい!贈り物がたくさんだ!!
I'm going to become so strong that you'll think of me as completely indispensable. Trust me!もっとたくさん強くなって君の役に立ちたいな。
You don't like your gift? Oh... Wait! No, no, that one's for somebody else! Ah, how did I mix those two up?!あれ…気に入らない?贈り物、外しちゃったかなあ…


Your gift means the world to me. Thank you so much.君からの贈り物…ずっと大切にするよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

What are you doing standing over here, [Summoner]? All tuckered out?
Personally, I'm having too much fun to sit still. The dancing spirit's really got hold of me, I'm afraid.
You won't tell Anthiese, will you? She tends to scold me for "going too far" on the dance floor. Her words.
It's nice to step back and get the full view of things. To see everyone, all at once, having the time of their lives.
But you've caught your breath by now, wouldn't you say? Come on! I need a partner for this next dance!
あっ、[召喚師]!そこで何してるの?え? 疲れたから休んでる?





오의 발동

Seize the day!お祭りだね
I got you a little something!貰ってくれる?
Dashing enough, Anthiese?大好きだよ!
No more holding back!愛を込めて…


Got...carried away...浮かれすぎたかな…


Happy Day of Devotion! I'm excited to take part.愛の祭り、おめでとう! 参加できてとっても嬉しいよ。
Sorry, this isn't for you. It's a gift for Anthiese!わあっ、だめだめ! これはあげないよ。アンテーゼにあげるんだから!
I hope everyone enjoys the presents I got for them...僕からの贈り物、みんな喜んでくれるかなあ…
Anthiese has had a sweet tooth ever since we were kids.アンテーゼは、小さい頃から甘いものが大好きなんだよ。
Excellent outfit, isn't it? The hat's my favorite part.この衣装、かっこいいだろう? 特にこの帽子! 気に入ってるんだ。
I'm not used to picking out gifts for people. I hope I don't make a fool of myself...僕、贈り物選ぶのに慣れてなくて…笑わないでよ?
I've got something for you. Just a little token of my appreciation, for being such a good friend.はい。これは君に。これからもずっと、僕の大切な友達でいてね。

아군 턴 터치

What would you like?何がいい?
I'd like that too.僕もほしいな
I'm ready!届けてくるよ!

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