수영복의 천재기사 티아모/대사


My name is Cordelia. I pledge to aid you however I can, so long as I am here.
A knight in a swimsuit... Unusual, I know.
あたしはティアモ。呼ばれたからには、あなたの力になってみせるわ。え? …この格好のことは気にしないで…

I feel a little ill at ease in this swimsuit... What if I were to run into Chrom? What then, I ask? What then?ああ、こんな水着で…なんだか落ち着かないわ。クロム様に会ったらどうしよう…
It seems that wearing a swimsuit puts you on edge, too... I know that feeling. This outfit is so revealing!
There's nothing practical about it... When it comes to battle, at any rate! Don't you agree?
You want to play on the beach? Well... Right. There's no reason to stand here being embarrassed!あたしも一緒に水辺で遊ばないかって?そ、そうね…恥ずかしがってる方が悪目立ちしそうだものね。
I've tried a lot of different exercise regimens... I'm trying to build on my strengths.
If I work hard enough, that might have some ancillary benefits, too...
The ocean is beautiful... It reminds me of a trip I took, once. Water so clear that it glittered like jewels...いつか行った海を思い出していたわ。驚くほど水が透き通ってて、まるで宝石みたいに輝いて…

친구 방문

Hot today, isn't it? I've got some chilled juice for you to share. It's from [Friend]!こんにちは、今日は暑いわね。[フレンド]から美味しいジュースの差し入れよ。

레벨 업

No matter how I am dressed, effort brings results.こんな格好でも真面目に戦えばちゃんと結果は出るのね…
I may be a bit uneasy, but I'm still getting stronger!たとえ恥ずかしくたって、あたしは強くなってみせるわ!
This is the worst... How embarrassing.ううっ…恥ずかしいし強くなれないし散々だわ…


This swimsuit won't hold me back... I think! Right?この力…水着でもちゃんと使えるのよね?

5성 40레벨 달성

Are you tired already? I think you may need to spend more time on training. Don't skip a day, either.
I can tell by your expression that you thought today would be a little more... relaxing.
Sorry to disappoint, but summertime training for a pegasus knight is always intense.
We always have to be prepared. I'm concerned that you aren't ready for battlefield emergencies...
You can't stay on the sidelines forever. And I'm happy to help whip you into shape.
Well... We did complete today's training regimen. So we can take it easy for the rest of the day.
If you want to goof off, you have to earn it. I'll race you to those rocks over there—then we can play!





오의 발동

I'll cool you down!頭を冷やしてあげる
Tropical attack!南国アタック!
Summer must prevail!溺れるはずないわ!
Out of my sun!気合いで行くわよ!


The ocean, so deep, so dark...海の底は、暗いかしら…


What is it?あら、どうしたの?
One thing led to another and, well, I ended up in this swimsuit.こ、この水着は…成り行きで着ることになったのよ
If you get too hot, take a break. You wouldn't want to collapse in battle.暑いと思ったら無理をしないようにね、倒れたら大変だわ
The blue water, the rhythm of the waves... The ocean is so romantic.青い海、打ち寄せる波の音…南国って本当に素敵な場所ね
Adding seashells to a lance can give it just the right amount of exotic flair! And they're aerodynamic, too.槍に貝殻をつけるととっても綺麗なのよ、それによく飛ぶし
What's wrong? Did I have some sand stuck to me?ひゃっ! え、どうしたの? 砂でもついてたかしら?
I'm not quite filling out this swimsuit the way I want to!ああ…どれだけ頑張っても、胸の部分がさみしいわ…
I had so much fun on the beach with the rest of the Shepherds. Next time, let's all go!自警団のみんなで行った海は、とても楽しかったの。次はあなたと、それからここにいるみんなで行きたいわね。

아군 턴 터치

So hot!暑いわね
Take it easy!のぼせないようにね

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