그 피에 잠든 짐승 카무이/대사


I'm Corrin. Let me warn you. Terrible impulses stir within me, some I may be unable to keep in check...僕は…カムイ…。僕の中には禍々しい衝動が眠っている。自分でも…抑えきれない力が…

I would have lost myself to despair a long time ago, had my brothers and sisters not held me back...きょうだいたちの支えがないと僕はとうの昔に…僕ではなくなっていたはずだ…
My dark impulses are growing... If this power hurts any of my friends, I don't want anything to do with it!身体の高ぶりが抑えられない…大切な人たちを傷つけるくらいならいっそ…こんな力など…
I did not ask for a power like this. But without it, I could never hope to shape my future as I might now.この力を僕は望んでいない。でも、この力がないと僕は未来を選び取れない…
If I hurt Azura again, I don't think I'll be able to live with myself, much less face the others...また、アクアを傷つけることがあったら…僕はもう…戻ってこられないような気がする…
What do you see when you look at me? Am I beast, after all?[召喚師]…君は僕の中に何が見える?禍々しい獣が…見えているのか…

친구 방문

I can't stay here. Where I go, death follows close behind... Forgive me if I leave suddenly.僕は、この場を離れなければ…君たちを…巻き込むわけには…

레벨 업

What enemy would test me like this? Am I simply a plaything at the mercy of fate's cruel whims?僕はいったい、何と戦ってる…見えない運命と…戦っているのか…
The enemy...where are they? WHERE...ARE THEY? Grraaghhh!敵は…僕の敵は…どこなんだ…!ぐっ、うううっ!
Why does my body not move as I command it... Do even my flesh and blood rebel against me now?僕の身体が無意識に…拒んでいるのか…


Which path will this power lead me down, I wonder?この力で…僕はどんな未来を選ぶというのだろう…

5성 40레벨 달성

What is this power of mine, I wonder? Lately, I've been asking myself that more often than I'd like to admit...
To defend life, to resist oppression... Is that not a use of power, just like taking what you want by force?
Is this power of mine for protecting those dear to me...or for causing only suffering?
If there's one person who can help me to find the right way to wield this power, it's you, so—
Rrghh... Graagh! My blood...boils! I'm not sure I can hold back much longer... Please...





오의 발동

I can't contain it...このままじゃ…!
Please... Stop me!僕を…止めてくれ…
Don't try it. Flee!戦いたくない…!


It's better this way...これで…よかったんだ…


I'm fine... I haven't been sleeping well, that's all...…大丈夫だよ…少し…疲れただけだから…
Rgh... GET AWAY! Oh! I'm sorry... Please...I need to be alone...…っ! 近づかないで! …ごめんよ、今はだめなんだ…
That blood coursing through my veins... It grows restless.僕の中の血が…暴れだそうとしている…
I hate this! I am not a beast—I'm a person!嫌だ! 僕は獣じゃない、人だ…!
No matter what form I take, I will never harm you. I promise...君のことだけは、絶対に傷つけない…約束するよ…
Should the time arise when I lose myself completely... Promise me you'll do what you must.もし僕が自分を失ってしまったら、その時は…
When I'm at your side, it's easier to...stay myself. Thank you...君の傍にいると、少しだけ楽になれる。ありがとう…

아군 턴 터치

I should...? What?いけるか…?
Must resist...抑えるんだ…!

캐릭터 페이지로