눈부신 광룡의 신자 카무이/대사


I'm Corrin, and...you must be [Summoner]...
That is a good name, I must say.

As the new king, Ryoma will reign over a wonderful era for Hoshido, I'm sure.新たなる白夜王にはリョウマ兄さんが即位された。きっと素晴らしい時代になるよ。
If your choice was between the home you were torn from or the family who raised you, which would you choose?幼い頃に引き離された祖国と育ての親きょうだいと……君ならどちらに味方する?
Hinoka and Sakura cried waterfalls at the final coronation celebration.戴冠式の後夜祭ではヒノカ姉さんとサクラが泣きに泣いてそれはもう涙が滝のようだったよ。
When I close my eyes, I can hear Azura singing... It's as if she's right beside me.目を閉じると、今でも聴こえてくる気がする。アクアの歌が……
I pray that the people of Hoshido and Nohr take hold of each other's hands and walk happily together, forever.白夜王国と暗夜王国の人々が手を取り合って、いつも笑顔で…幸せでいられますように。

친구 방문

I was told to tell you "I hope you are well!" from [Friend].やあ、[召喚師]。[フレンド]がこれからもお元気でと言っていたよ。

레벨 업

We will live our lives to the fullest, in honor of those who lost their lives on the battlefields upon which we stood.僕たちは精いっぱい生きるよ。数多の戦いで散った数えきれないほどの人たちのためにも。
We all try our best each day... Yet, in an instant, all that could be ripped away by those without mercy.みんな懸命に日々を生きてる。なのにそれを、力で奪おうだなんて。
If misery or happiness become so commonplace, one can no longer be distinguished from the other.幸も不幸もそれが当たり前になると、人は気付けないものなんだ。


Ah, this feels good! Perhaps we work well together.いい感じだよ。君とは相性が合うのかな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Sometimes I think about what a world without war would be like...
In my world, two countries were in constant dispute. If one invaded the other, peace was not an option.
If one considers the history of repeat conflict and the relationships that ensued, perhaps...war is inevitable.
Then perhaps the fierce battle in which I fought my siblings was a necessary bridge to cross as well.
But despite all of it, my mother's wish for undying peace... It still lives on in the people of Hoshido.
Ryoma once said, "It is not such an easy path to tread." But still... We can't forget our hope for that world.
So we will advance onward, for the sake of our future, with courage and hope. Right, [Summoner]?





오의 발동

This is the path I chose!選んだ道を!
I'll keep moving forward!進み続ける!
We'll forge our destinies!未来を創る!
We fight together!みんなと共に!


The future...…僕は…未来を…


A Legendary Hero? No, no... You must be mistaking me for one of my siblings.伝承の英雄…? それはきっと、僕の兄さんたちのことだね
I pledge to be someone who believes in people, and works for their betterment.人を信じて、人を幸せにする…そんな人になりたいんだ
If you introduce me to your friends, I'll introduce you to my friends!もっと、君を知りたい。君に触れてもいいかい?
Why don't we spend some time getting to know each other?もし良かったら、僕に触れてみて…
Nothing could ever replace my brothers and sisters. Each and every one of them is special to me.きょうだいたちはみんな、僕にとってかけがえのない存在なんだ
Both of my families mean so much to me.未来は、僕たちが創るんだ。
We'll create a future together. With the two of us side by side, we can take the next step forward.君と一緒なら…きっと歩んでいける。

아군 턴 터치

Got it.わかった
Which way to go...どの道を行こうか?
My next step.前へ進もう

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