백야, 암야, 투마 카무이/대사


I am Corrin. I come to this world with thoughts of the people of Hoshido, Nohr, and Valla held firm in my heart.私はカムイ。白夜王国、暗夜王国…そして透魔王国の人々の想いを胸にこの世界へと参りました。

This outfit comes from Valla, one of three places I call home. When I put it on, I can feel the weight of its history.これは私の故郷の一つ…透魔王国の装束なんです。袖を通すと身が引き締まりますね。
Mutual caring and understanding is what brings people together. That's true no matter where you're from.大切なのは属する国ではありません。互いを思いやり慈しむ心。それが、人々を結びつけるのだと思います。
I wouldn't be where I am today if not for the support of my friends. I want to make them proud.今の私があるのはたくさんの仲間たちが支えてくれたから。みんなの想いに、私は応えたいのです。
This Gullveig is said to bring ruin to the future, but to me she just seems... sad. I hope she finds a new path.世界を滅ぼすという魔女グルヴェイグ…ですが、どこか悲しそうに見えます。いつか、彼女も新たな道を選べる日が…
Askr is a mysterious place, isn't it? Just standing here, I can feel its power—almost like a Dragon Vein.アスク王国は不思議なところですね。竜脈の上にいるような不思議な力が足の裏から伝わってくるのです。

친구 방문

Thanks for coming out to greet me! Here, I brought you a gift from your friend [Friend].出迎えてくださり、ありがとうございます。[フレンド]さんから贈り物をお届けに来ました。

레벨 업

War has taught me that strength and conviction go hand in hand.信じることが力につながる。私は戦いの中で、そのことを学びました。
I will decide my fate!未来は自らの力で選び取ります!
I can't let everyone down like this...みんなの期待に応えなくてはいけないのに…


I will use this power to protect those who are precious to me.大切な人たちを守るためこの力、必ず活かしてみせます!

5성 40레벨 달성

Even large-scale conflicts can be caused by small misunderstandings that spiraled out of control.
I'm certain there are many battles that could have been avoided if the two sides understood each other.
That's why I try to see where my foes are coming from whenever I can.
Even if that's harder than a battle would be, and even if it's likely we'll fail to reconcile...it's worth the effort.
Come what may, I want to be able to say for certain that I did all I could to bring people together.
That said, with your support, I feel like my chances of finding peace are better than ever. Thank you.





오의 발동

I won't accept defeat.負けはしません
This is my path!この道をいきます
No doubt remains.間違いはない…!
Believe in me!私を信じて…!


Still not enough?まだ…足りませんか…?


What do you think of this outfit? Does it suit me?この衣装、どうでしょう? 似合っていますか?
*startle* Your hands are so cold! You need to warm up.きゃっ…! まあ、冷たい手。温めてさしあげます。
My greatest strength is my faith—and that my friends and allies are worthy of my faith.私の一番の力は信じること…信じられる人たちがいることなんです。
I am certain now that the path I chose was correct.選んだ道に間違いはなかったと、今は自信をもってそう言えます。
The veiled kingdom is neither Hoshido nor Nohr. It's Valla.白夜でも暗夜でもない、見えざる王国…それが、透魔…
I get the sense that I was somehow called here by many voices...なんだか、たくさんの人に呼ばれたような…
My wish is to remain by your side. I want to support you however I can.あなたの傍で、あなたを支えていきたい…それが私の願いです。

아군 턴 터치

I will not fear.恐れません

캐릭터 페이지로