재앙의 혼의 통곡 카무이/대사


I am...Corrin. If the power that swirls in my blood awakens, it can bring only catastrophe...私は…カムイ…血に宿る禍々しい力が目覚めれば、この地に災いを呼んでしまうでしょう…

My body...burns. My blood...is searing... How long till this power consumes me?血が…身体が熱い…私はいつまで…この力を抑えていられるだろう…
In my world...my siblings and friends helped me to...be myself.元の世界では…きょうだいや仲間たちがこんな私を支えてくれました…
Thank you for your concern, but...it's in your best interest to not get too close.お気遣いありがとうございます。でも、私にはあまり近づかないほうがいいと思います…
When there's a nice breeze, I can feel my blood cooling until, finally... comfort.こうして風を浴びていると、火照った身体が心地よく冷えて…ああ…気持ちいい…
I pray for peace and tranquility, but... I know not what gods exist in this world...心穏やかにと願い、祈っています。この世界にどんな神様がいるのかわからないですけれど…

친구 방문

Apparently I'm to bring you greetings. So, this is your greeting. I brought it from [Friend].[フレンド]さんからご挨拶だそうです。確かにお伝えしましたよ。

레벨 업

Such searing heat... Like...a fire burning through me from the inside!あ、熱い…!身体の奥が、燃えて…ダメ…!
I can't take much more... The beast inside is...growing restless!これ以上はダメ…!私の中の獣が、暴れ出してしまう…
*pant* *pant* Have to...keep control...はぁ…はぁ…意識を…保たないと…


I am...on the edge of...losing myself... Please... I'm so afraid...…怖いです、とても…自分が自分ではなくなっていく気がして…

5성 40레벨 달성

Somewhere deep down...I can feel a wild hunger I can't control. Each day, it grows a little stronger...
I can suppress it for now, but...the time will come when I won't be able to anymore.
If... When that happens, I...might hurt you. Or worse.
I don't want to hurt anyone I care about...ever again. I want to protect, but...this power yearns to destroy.
I beg you... If my power ever awakens to threaten you or anyone, please... stop me, [Summoner].




My power...力が…

오의 발동

My blood boils...獣の衝動が…
I'll hurt you.傷つけてしまう…


This is it...これで…もう…


M-my apologies... I'm not feeling well...すみません、気分がすぐれなくて…ご迷惑をおかけします。
Th-thank you... I feel a little calmer now...あ…ありがとうございます。少し、落ち着きました…
That blood coursing through my veins... It grows restless.私の中の血が…暴れ出そうとしています…
Should the time arise when I lose myself completely... Promise me you'll do what you must.もし私が自分を見失ってしまったら、その時は…
Do you... Do you think your power could suppress mine?あの、あなたの力で、私を鎮めてもらえませんか?
I remember hurting Azura... I can't believe that I... I can never forgive myself.アクアさんを傷つけてしまったような…あんなことは…もう…
No matter what form I should take... I will protect you.たとえどんな姿になっても…あなたのことはお守りします。

아군 턴 터치

Y-yes... Right...はい…
This fever…体が熱い…
Calm down...落ちついて…

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