해변의 굴강종자 두두/대사


I am Dedue Molinaro. I have one goal at this ocean...to protect His Highness and ensure he enjoys his stay.…ドゥドゥー=モリナロ。この海でおれがやることはただひとつ。殿下をお守りすることだ。

I am a servant to His Highness above all else. It matters not if we are at a resort—he is my foremost duty.…おれは殿下の従者。行楽地であろうとそのことを忘れることはない。
Duscur, where I once lived, is a cold land with short summers. The idea of swimming in the ocean is foreign.…おれが住んでいたダスカーは寒い土地で夏も短い土地だ。海水浴など馴染みはなかった。
Flowers that bloom in the summer bask in the sunlight, growing strong. One can feel a rugged vigor in them...夏に咲く花もいいものだ。太陽の日差しを受け、真っ直ぐに育つ。たくましい生命力を感じる……。
I am roasting oysters. Would you like one? The bounty of Askr's ocean inspires me to cook.…貝を焼いていた。食ってみるか?アスク王国の海はとても豊かで料理の意欲が湧く。
I look unprepared in just my swimsuit, but I will protect His Highness with my bare hands if need be.水着だけで心許ないが……いざとなれば、この身体ひとつで殿下をお守りする。

친구 방문

I come bearing the ocean's bounty, a gift from [Friend].…海の幸を持ってきた。[フレンド]からの贈り物だ。受け取るがいい。

레벨 업

It does not matter where I am. I will serve His Highness as best I can.どんな場所であってもおれは殿下に尽くすのみだ。
I believe I am beginning to grasp how one should fight on the beach.砂浜での戦い……コツが掴めてきたようだ。
I cannot protect His Highness if I cannot tolerate a little sunlight...この程度の日差しにやられては殿下をお守りできん…。


I suppose this means there are things I can learn from the ocean as well.海にも学びがあるということか。

5성 40레벨 달성

My role is to protect His Highness with my life. This is the meaning of my existence...
One can never be certain where danger might lurk, even as we enjoy a peaceful ocean diversion.
The reaper can only harvest when your guard is down. That is why I must be ever vigilant.
I know you are being considerate when you say to enjoy myself, [Summoner].
However, I will suffer in any way that I must if it serves His Highness... I do so eagerly. And at every opportunity.
I will defend him against any and all tribulations this ocean has to offer. I swear this upon Askr's very sun.





오의 발동

Had to be done.悪く思うな
I shall sink you!沈んでもらう
A summer memory.夏の思い出だ
You were unprepared.油断したな


Swallowed by waves...波に…飲まれてしまう…


Surely there's someone more suitable than me for...summertime fun.夏の海など、おれよりもっと相応しい者がいるのではないか?
I am not a fan of such...humor.…! そういう冗談は好きではない。
I will not leave His Highness undefended. Not even at a resort.行楽地であろうと、殿下の周囲の警戒を解く気はない。
I am only an average swimmer. Duscur...has short summers.泳ぎは…普通だ。ダスカーの夏は短いのでな。
I cannot allow myself the joy of the ocean, so I shall be satisfied watching from afar.美しい海だな。見ているだけで満たされるようだ。
Is it possible the creatures of the sea might not loathe me?海の生き物は、おれを嫌わないだろうか…
I'm going to catch and cook a fish. I will offer you a taste when it is ready.魚を捕って料理しよう。お前に食わせてやる。

아군 턴 터치

You're certain?いいのか?
Let's swim.泳ごう

캐릭터 페이지로