운명의 성녀 디아도라/대사


I've lived two lives. Both were tragic. But each had irreplaceable blessings. Each made me happy.ふたりの私、ふたつの愛……哀しみ……それでもかけがえのない恵みを授かり、私は幸せでした………ありがとう。

Seliph has turned out so well. I am grateful to Prince Lewyn for all the guidance he gave my son.セリスが立派に育ったのはレヴィン様のおかげ。一言、感謝を申し上げたいのです…
I knew that, as a maiden of the Spirit Forest, I should not have contact with outsiders. I knew it would bring ruin...私は精霊の森の巫女……人と交われば世界に大いなる災いがふりかかる。それを知りながら、私は……
Please care for the ones you hold dear. Those bonds are what keep the world from falling apart.身近の人を大切にしてください。それが世界をつなぎます。
I was told that I would be despised by the outside world. Lord Sigurd's love made me forget that...for a time.私はシグルド様と出会い、恋を知った……外界とのかかわりは忌み嫌われること。忘れようと努力しました…でも、だめだった。
However long or short my time in this place may be...from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for it.いつまでこうしていられるか……それでも、このひとときを私は心から感謝しています。

친구 방문

Please, take good care of yourself. Please...live a peaceful, happy life.どうぞ身体に気をつけてください。そして、心安らかにお過ごしください……

레벨 업

All life is a cycle. Even this is destiny.これもまた、いのちの定め。すべてはめぐり、大河に集い……また新たに紡ぎ出されてゆくのです。
Can you hear the voice of the spirits?精霊の声が聞こえますか……
Julius... Julia, I...ユリウス…ユリア……私は…………


You will see my gratitude expressed in my performance. Thank you.あなたに感謝の気持ちを示します。

5성 40레벨 달성

Seliph, Julia...and Julius. Each of my children was forced to endure such hardship due to my cowardice.
I was raised with the warning that any contact I had with the world outside my forest would lead to ruin.
I chose to ignore that warning to be with Lord Sigurd. I wanted to stay with him forever.
Even in another life, even across vast swaths of time...even knowing the consequences, I would do so again.
But I cannot ignore that my choices have caused my children to suffer.
Perhaps, someday, the gates of light will open, and we can be free of the yoke of destiny. I dream of that day...





오의 발동

To protect those I hold dear!守りたい…
Light... Please...光よ…どうか…
I still have hope...希望をつないで…
I will not allow it.させません…


Please forgive me...許して…ください……


My name has been passed down in legends...? Are you certain?わたしが、人々に語り継がれる英雄に…?
Oh! Do you ever grow tired of startling others?あっ…! ふざけるのはおやめになって…
What really happened does not always find its way into the histories…歴史は正しく伝わるものとは限りません…
I once lost my memories...and became a puppet to the whims of fate.かつてのわたしは記憶を失い、運命に翻弄されていました……
I promise to honor the faith you have in me, no matter what.わたしを信じてくれるのなら、それに応えたい…
To simply live with the one you love... Why is even that so difficult?愛する人と共に生きる…それだけのことがどうして難しいのでしょう……
I am glad to have met you. That is something I can hold onto.あなたに出会えてよかった。それだけは確かなことです。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.ええ
What do you think?迷います…
We will be together...あなたと共に…

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