정령숲의 소녀 디아도라/대사


My name is Deirdre. My memories... They're mostly gone, now. I am sorry.私はディアドラです…ごめんなさい…私には記憶がないのです…

The trees here are very beautiful... There's something mysterious about them. I find it familiar, somehow...美しい木々…不思議です…なんだか、懐かしい気持ちになります…
You want to know more about the world I come from? I'm sorry, but I can't remember much.元の世界のこと…ですか?ごめんなさい…あまり覚えていないのです…
You look so tired. Try to get some rest soon.お疲れのようですね。今日は早くお休みになっては、いかがですか?
Sometimes, feelings of almost unbearable uneasiness overwhelm me... Does that ever happen to you?時々言いようのない不安に駆られることがあります…あなたは…?
I was instructed never to associate with others... My memory of this is faint, but I know I was told this.私は人と交わってはならない…そう教わりました…そんなおぼろげな記憶があります…

친구 방문

My name is Deirdre. I was entrusted with this greeting by your friend [Friend].私はディアドラです。[フレンド]様に頼まれて、こちらにご挨拶に…

레벨 업

I don't know why, but...this frightens me.なんだか、怖くなってしまいます…
Am I of some help? That makes me happy.お役に立てるのなら、嬉しいです…
I'm a burden to you. I am sorry.ごめんなさい、足手まといに…


It's so kind of you to help me like this. Thank you.ありがとうございます。私のために…

5성 40레벨 달성

So many of my memories—memories that meant a lot to me... They're gone.
I know that someone important to me has vanished into that darkness.
I...I feel uneasy. Even now, here, with you. I worry I may never see you again.
If I forget about you, too...please, I beg you...
Come and talk to me, and tell me all about our time together. Bring back the memories I've lost.


I'm sorry...すみません…



오의 발동

I won't be left behind.私も、一緒に…
I'm sorry.ごめんなさい…
Something is awakening...目覚めてしまう…
The darkness...闇が…




cute short giggleふふ…
Try not to overdo it.どうか、ご無理をなさらないように…
Oh, it's you!きゃっ…あ、あなただったのですね。
You have my apologies. I've lost all of my memories...ごめんなさい。私には記憶がないのです…
It's so nice to be here with you.あなたと一緒にいられて、嬉しいです。
Something dark slumbers in my blood.私の血の中には、邪悪な何かが眠っています…
I can't remember...who am I? Who am I?思い出せない…私は…いったい…
Don't worry about me. I'm doing just fine. Being here with you brings me joy.わたしなら大丈夫です。一緒にいられることが嬉しいのです。

아군 턴 터치

What should I do?どうすれば…?
I'll go with you.一緒に行きます。

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

You need some rest.眠りをあなたに…
Darkness and nightmares.闇よ…悪夢よ…
Please forgive me.許してください…
You will not wake.目覚めはきません…

패배 - 신장

I can't...go on...もう…力が…

상태창 - 신장

I was told this clothing is from Dökkálfheimr.この衣装は、スヴァルトアルフのものだそうです。
Oh! You certainly seem to like startling people.きゃっ…! あなたは人を驚かせるのがお好きなんですね。
The Dökkálfar can control nightmares... I wonder how those girls feel about their powers.悪夢を見せる妖精…。彼女たちはどんな気持ちなんでしょう…
This clothing is somewhat...curious, but I like how striking it is.不思議な衣装ですが、華やかで気に入っています。
Call me if you can't sleep. I would be glad to talk to you.眠れないときは私を呼んでください。お話ししましょう。
I feel like I had a wonderful dream, but... I can't recall it now.幸せな夢を見た気がするのですが…思い出せない…
I will lend you my strength and help shield you from nightmares.あなたに悪夢が訪れないように、私も力を尽くします。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

I understand.わかりました
Be my guide.導いてください
A nightmare...悪夢を…

캐릭터 페이지로