무와 용의 닌자 디아만드/대사


The smoke screen has cleared. I am Diamant. I am here to accomplish tasks as a ninja. It is a pleasure.…煙幕が晴れたようだな。私はディアマンド。忍びの任のため、この世界に参上した。よろしく頼む。

Heh, you found me. Even as a ninja I cannot trick you, Summoner. Are you aware of all Heroes, as I suspect?ふっ、見つかってしまったか。召喚師には敵わないな。やはり全ての英雄の気配はわかるものなのか?
If my retainers were to see me now, Amber would want a matching outfit, and Jade would tell stories about it.臣下たちが今の私を見たら、アンバーは同じ装束を着たがり、ジェーデはその様子を物語に書くだろうな。
Adorned as a ninja, I almost feel as if I have become someone else. I will not forget my royal duties though.忍びとして行動していると、まるで違う人物になったような錯覚を起こすな。無論、王族の責務を忘れる心算はないが。
I imagine my brother is more skilled at spying and lurking in the shadows. I must live up to that as well.諜報をしたり、物陰に潜んだりするのは、弟のほうが得意だろうな。私も負けてはいられない。
Ninja are good for covert operations. I prefer to face my foes head-on, but that is not my role right now.忍びの技は、隠密と逃奔に長けている。つい真っ向から勝負を仕掛けたくなるが、それは今の私の役割ではないのだ。

친구 방문

I feel ninja here too, watching from the shadows... I only bring this letter from [Friend].[フレンド]からの文だ。む? 暗がりから視線を感じるな…この城にも優秀な忍びがいるようだ。

레벨 업

Good. This gives me more confidence to apply myself as a ninja.そうか…良かった。忍びとして励む自信がついたぞ。
If I have improved even a little, that is something to be proud of.僅かでも成長できているのなら喜ばしい気分だ。
Am I not skilled enough as a shinobi after all?やはり私では、忍びとして力不足か…?


A new ninja technique? I understand. I will show that I can use it well.新たな忍術か?承知した、使いこなしてみせよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Is that you, Summoner? I believe I am growing accustomed to this attire and to fighting in the way of the ninja.
In my homeland, I would strike down foes when I encountered them, but combat is a last resort for a ninja.
As I understand it, their role is to flee and return to their master and allies to impart the information they gather.
I may be the prince of a kingdom of warriors, but I understand...
Even if you must flee in defeat, if you are reduced to a wretch at the time, at least you survive to try again.
Flee if you find yourself in danger, Summoner. If you are captured, I will come to save you no matter the odds.
Whether you are in the heart of the enemy's formation, or in a church buried in snow...





오의 발동

To victory!勝ちを戴く!
You've left yourself open!隙を見せたな!
Pride of the ninja!忍びの矜持だ!
Ninja engage!忍法・エンゲージの術!


Guess they...found me...すまん…身を隠す……


Look at how freely I can move in these clothes.この装束は、身軽に動けそうだな。
Hmm... Hahaha! Looks like you spotted me.む…!? ははは、見つかってしまったか。
I'm not one for stealth or surprise attacks, but if it's a show of ninja pride you want, I will put my life on the line.隠密や奇襲は性に合わんが、忍びの矜持であれば殉じよう。
These shuriken would make great souvenirs for the soldiers at Brodia Castle.ブロディア城の兵士たちの土産に、手裏剣を持ち帰りたい。
Fire technique? I can't do fire magic, but if this is a ninja skill, then I'm sure I can handle it.火遁の術? 炎の魔法は苦手だが、忍術であれば扱えるだろうか。
Work from the shadows... That's not my way, but I suppose I could try if it's for the Divine Dragon.陰となり任務を果たす…か。私も、神竜様のためであれば…
I've been told that ninja all say the phrase "Sparkling Shuriken." ...They're not just trying to make me look ridiculous, are they?忍者は皆「ニンニン」という言葉を言うのだと聞いた。…騙しているのではないだろうな?

아군 턴 터치

I'll take care of it.遂行しよう
Time to advance.出陣か

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