맞서 싸우는 검은 강철 디아만드/대사


I am Diamant, crown prince of Brodia, and your new ally. I vow to protect this land as if it were my own.ブロディア王国第一王子、ディアマンドだ。この地でも武勇を示そう。よろしく頼む。

I know it's pointless to think about what might have happened in Brodia since I left. Still, I do worry.今頃、我が国はどうなっているのか…考えても仕方がないとは理解しているがこればかりは、どうにもな。
My country, Brodia, is known as the Kingdom of Might. But I'd rather make alliances than start wars.我がブロディア王国は、武力の国として名を馳せていた。しかし私個人は、隣国への侵攻よりも共存を望んでいる。
If it is a soldier you need, you can call upon me. I have not let up on my training here, if that's your worry.戦力が必要であれば頼ってくれ。いつでも召喚師の役に立てるよう、鍛錬や研鑽は欠かしていないつもりだ。
That weapon of yours shoots spheres, hm? Aim it at me, then. I'd like to see if I can deflect them.その神器は球体を放てるのだな。ならば私に向けて撃つことはできるか?矢除けの鍛錬になるのではと思ってな。
One of my retainers writes novels, and the other is known for his many delightful, ah...let's call them feats.
Thinking about those two, I can't help but smile.

친구 방문

You'll have to forgive me for dropping in on you. I was asked by [Friend] to bring this.突然の訪問を許してほしい。[フレンド]から貴殿に、こちらの品を渡してくれと頼まれた。

레벨 업

A fitting achievement for the crown prince of Brodia.ブロディア王太子として恥じぬ力が身についたな。
I'm always striving to be better.多くは望まん。強くなれればいい。
That's all right. I fight well enough with the strength I have.悔やむ時間はない。在る力で戦うのみだ。


Send me into battle, and I'll show that I'm worthy of this gift.この力に相応しい武勲を約束しよう。次の戦場はどこだ?

5성 40레벨 달성

Is something wrong? Did you find a spider on your pant leg or something?
...I see. Well, I'm glad it wasn't a spider. The way you ran around last time that happened! Ahaha!
*ahem* Sorry... When I start laughing, it's difficult to stop. And you have a way of making me drop my guard.
I suppose that speaks to true friendship, doesn't it? Putting each other totally at ease.
When I'm around you, I forget the pressures of my life... I stop worrying if I have the strength to lead.
I need that sense of peace if I'm going to achieve victory. So, I can only hope our bond lasts for a long time yet.





오의 발동

No less than victory!勝たねば無意味だ!
Watch over me, Father...見ていてください父上!
For the pride of Brodia!矜持を胸に!
I'll prove my worth!武勇を示す!




If you're trying to gauge me for weakness...try harder.弱点でも探しているのか? 悪いが、その辺りではないぞ。
*startle* You caught me with my guard down. Seems I still have a lot to learn.そこに触れるとは思わなかったぞ、私もまだまだだな。
I am very curious about that weapon of yours. Perhaps you'll spar with me sometime.いつか召喚師殿と手合わせ願いたいな。その武器でどう戦うんだ?
Emblem Roy's ring was entrusted to the kingdom of Brodia, my homeland.我が国、ブロディア王国には紋章士ロイの指輪が託されていた。
This armor is exceptional for deflecting blades. For magic...less so.この装束は耐久、防刃に優れている。魔法は…通してしまうかもしれんがな。
Father... Wherever my path takes me, I swear to make Brodia proud.父上…我がブロディアの矜持、この地でも忘れることはありません…
I don't mind chatting, but if it's an interesting conversation you want, you should seek out my retainers.私でよければ話し相手になるが…面白い話であれば、我が臣下たちに聞くのが一番だぞ。

아군 턴 터치

Without question.無論だ
Tell me where.戦か
I won't lose.必ず勝つ

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