상처입은 호랑이 디크/대사


You my new employer? If you want to hire Dieck, you better be ready to pay for Dieck.お前さんが、新しい雇い主か?このディーク様を雇うっていうなら、それなりのもんは払ってもらうぜ。

Seeing those two kids all grown up and treating me with respect... Guess it's proof of how old I've gotten.坊ちゃんも嬢ちゃんもまあ、立派になっちまって…へっ、俺も年を取るわけだぜ。
Everyone in my band has serious skill. Some of 'em aren't the most reliable, but even Shanna is the real deal.俺の団は、腕の確かな連中ばかりだぜ。まあ…危なっかしいのもいるが、シャニーも実力は本物だしな。
I ain't slackin' off. When it's time to rest, I rest. When it's time to eat, I eat. Might die tomorrow, after all.おっと、サボってるわけじゃないぜ。休む時は休む、食う時は食う。明日には死んでるかもしれないからな…
Sneaking up on a merc? You want to get chopped in half? Though to be fair, I did see you comin'.うかつに傭兵の背に回るなよ?反射的にバッサリ、って事もある…!ま、俺はそんなヘマはしないがね。
The most important thing? Training. Next most? Training. In this line of work, you have to hone yourself.一に訓練、二に訓練、と…なんだぁ、その目は。この稼業は体が資本なんだよ。

친구 방문

You [Summoner]? Got word from [Friend].あんたが[召喚師]かい?[フレンド]からの挨拶だ。ほら、とっときな。

레벨 업

Body is movin' just like I want. Nobody's gonna beat me today! Who's next?へっ、体が思ったとおりに動く…どんな相手にも負ける気がしないぜ!次、かかってこいよ!
No shortcuts on the battlefield. Training's all you got.強くなるための近道なんてない。…ただ、鍛錬するのみってな。
Seems like the wind's not blowin' my way... May be time to pack it in for today.おお…?どうも雲行きが…ずらかる準備でもしておくか。


Well, aren't you fancy? For this, I'll put in the work. No problem.おう、気前がいいな。報酬の分は、働かせてもらうぜ。

5성 40레벨 달성

So, when's the next battle? Actually, before that, we need to talk.
To put it plain, I don't get you. Battle is serious, bloody business. You learn about someone on the battlefield...
And what I learned is that you don't take it seriously. Do you understand the stakes? It doesn't seem like it.
That's why you hired me? Hah! Can't argue with that logic. Guess you got me there.
Seems you do have guts! Well, as long as you can afford me, I'll stick by you. Let me know what you need.





오의 발동

This wasn't cheap!腕の見せ所だ
In a rush to die?死に急ぐなよ
I'll just end this.とっととすますぞ
It's your time!くたばりやがれ!


End of the road…悪い…ここまでだ…


Yo. The name's Dieck. I lead a band of mercenaries.俺はディーク。傭兵団のリーダーだ。
Whoa! It ain't wise to sneak up on a mercenary, kid.うおっ!? 何だ、くだらねえことするんじゃねえよ。
I used to work for Lord Pent and Lady Louise. They always looked out for me.俺はパント様の家に雇われていた。あの一家にはよくしてもらったよ。
In the eyes of the ones giving the orders, mercenaries are just fodder. You've got no choice but to accept that if you make a living of it.傭兵なんざただの使い捨ての駒…そう思ってなきゃやってられねえ。
The folks in my crew ain't exactly the easiest to deal with... What can I say?俺の仲間は危なっかしい奴らばっかりで…骨が折れるぜ。
When you stare into the empty eye sockets of death itself, you learn something about what it means to be alive.死が背中にはりついたとき、そいつの本当の姿が見えるってもんだ。
You point at the target, and I handle the steel. I'm the professional.お前の敵は俺が倒してやる。なに、遠慮はいらねえよ。

아군 턴 터치

Yeah, yeah...はいはい
What to do...どうすっかな…
I'm on it.任せとけ

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