신성한 청사자 디미트리/대사


A sacred festival of Askr... On behalf of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, I am honored to serve as winter envoy!アスク王国の聖なる祭りか…ファーガス神聖王国を代表しこのディミトリが冬祭りの使者を務めよう。

Edelgard and Claude are working as winter envoys too? I must not let myself fall behind.エーデルガルトとクロードも冬祭りの使者を務めるのか…。後れを取るわけにはいかない。
Winters in Askr are mild compared to to the harshness of the season in Faerghus. This country is blessed.ファーガスの厳しい冬に比べればアスク王国の冬はまだ過ごしやすい。この国は恵まれているな。
This is an opportunity to express my gratitude to the professors. I hope the present is well-received.先生にも日頃の感謝を伝えたい。この日のために用意した贈り物…気に入ってもらえるといいのだが。
The snowstorm has turned it white outside, but this cloak protects me from the cold. Thank you for this.外は吹雪いて真っ白だがこの外套があれば寒さをしのげる。用意してくれて助かった、礼を言う。
This axe for the winter festival... At first the colors caught my eye, but it also seems quite strong.冬祭りに合わせて用意した斧…見た目は華やかだが、その威力も一級品だ。

친구 방문

I am Dimitri, prince of Faerghus. You should visit the winter festival [Friend] is holding.俺はファーガス神聖王国王子、ディミトリ。[フレンド]の城では冬祭りを開催中だ。足を運ぶといい。

레벨 업

If someone stands in my way, I will just move them. That is what this power is for.道を阻むなら、乗り越えるのみ。そのための力だ。
Please step aside. I have somewhere I need to be.そこを退いてもらおう。俺には行くところがある。
It had not occurred to me that this chill would make my hands go numb while holding my weapon...この程度の寒さで武器を持つ手がかじかむとは…。


Thank you. I will use this power to fulfill my role as winter festival envoy.感謝する。この力で冬祭りの使者としての責務を果たそう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Faerghus, where I was raised, is a barren, desolate place. Not a fertile or gentle land at all.
The hostile winters there test people, fostering the strength they need to survive in that environment.
It is an unforgiving place. That is why the people of Faerghus work so hard to support one another.
I am sure the heartfelt devotion of Askr's winter festival helps warm the soul to weather the season.
Winter chills our hearts and minds, but it gives us an opportunity to build warmth by connecting with others.
I will give my all as a winter envoy to bring everyone's hearts together through this joyous festival.





오의 발동

Blessed night!聖夜を祝おう
A gift for you.贈り物だ
All yours.受け取れ!
Is this what you wanted?欲しいのはこれか?


My mistake...しくじったな…


You truly think I will make a good envoy for the winter festival?冬祭りの使者か…。俺には不似合いではないか?
Please watch where you're going. You could get hurt.ん? 気をつけてくれ。近づきすぎて怪我をしないように。
I'd better be careful not to break any of the gifts...贈り物を壊さないよう、十分に気をつけなければ。
The only gifts I'm interested in are weapons and riding gear. People seem to find that unsettling somehow.剣と槍、鎧、馬具…欲しいものを答えたら物騒だと言われてしまった。
I must not make any delivery mistakes. I don't want to cause trouble.間違った物を届けたら皆から責められそうだな。
My kingdom will be one where people can enjoy peaceful nights like this.誰もがこんな穏やかな夜を過ごせる国を築いてみせよう。
I hope you get everything you want this year.お前の望む贈り物が届くといいな。

아군 턴 터치

Ready when you are.承知した
What's next?どの家だ?
We will deliver.届けよう

캐릭터 페이지로