여름색의 사자 디미트리/대사


I am Dimitri, of the Blue Lion House. Even if it is only as practice, I will give my all to swimming around the island.今日は南の島で水練の授業か。このディミトリ、青獅子の学級の級長として恥じぬ泳ぎをするまでだ。

Regardless of my light attire, I am still always ready to fight, should the need arise.軽装で心もとないがひとたび有事となればいつでも戦う準備は出来ている。
Much of the Kingdom of Faerghus is just barren land... Compared to that, this island is like a paradise.ファーガス神聖王国の多くは痩せた土地ばかりでな…。この島は、まるで楽園のようだ。
I hear Edelgard is training on the beach instead of swimming. Well, I'm sure she knows what she's doing.エーデルガルトは海に入らずに浜辺で鍛錬か。きっと、彼女なりになにか考えがあってのことだろう。
How strange. Merely listening to the sound of the waves seems to put my heart at ease...不思議なものだ。波の音を聞いているだけで心が穏やかになっていく…。
My home gets a lot of snow, so I am used to the cold. But all this sunshine will take some time to adjust to...故郷の豪雪には慣れているが南国の日差しに馴染むのは少し時間がかかりそうだな。

친구 방문

I am Dimitri, from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. I have an invitation for you from [Friend].
Well? Would you care to join us in our tropical-island training?

레벨 업

Looks like the training has paid off. It was well worth working up a sweat.鍛錬の成果が出たようだな。汗を流した甲斐があった。
No matter how tall the waves, I will not be swept away.どんなに高い波が来ようと俺は泳ぎ切ってみせる。
This heat is...exhausting. Please give me...just a moment...この暑さはさすがに…こたえる…。


I trust your judgment. If you say that I need this, I will believe you.今の俺に必要なものを理解してくれているのだな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, are you already done swimming? I haven't run into any problems, so I'll keep going for a while longer.
Hm, yes... I suppose you have a point. Claude also said something about rest being an important part of training.
Very well, I will follow your example and do my best to relax.
You know, this island is quite lovely. It has plenty of fruit and seafood, and, of course, a pleasant breeze.
If there really is such a thing as paradise, I think it would probably be a place like this.
Tomorrow, we will no doubt be back on the battlefield. But until then, I will remember the time I've spent here.
That will be what gives me the strength to move forward—to accomplish what I must.




I'm drowning..!溺れる…!

오의 발동

You're going under!沈めてみせる
Even in the water!泳ぎであろうと!
You cannot win.お前の負けだ
Tired already?もう疲れたのか?


I just need a little rest...少し…休憩だ……


Thank you for inviting me to this island. Perhaps it's OK to have some fun today.南の島への招待、礼をいうぞ。今日は楽しもう。
What? Oh, a drink? It is rather hot.…っ!? ああ、飲み物か。ありがとう。
This place is so warm and bright compared to the Kingdom of Faerghus.ここの風景は、荒涼としたファーガスとは、まるで正反対だ。
I don't do well with the heat... Hey, no laughing. We all have our weaknesses.実は、暑いのは苦手なんだ。軟弱だと笑ってくれるなよ。
I'd rather be in the water than on the hot beach. I'm going to swim over to that island.浜辺にいるより水の中の方がましだな。あの島まで泳いでくる。
It's not often I can forget about fighting and spend a day relaxing.戦いを忘れて、こんなに穏やかに過ごすのはいつぶりだろう…
I don't know how best to say this, but... I was honored to join you at the beach today.うまく言えないが…お前と海に来られてよかった。

아군 턴 터치

All right.なるほど
In this heat?暑いな…
I'll go ahead.先にいくぞ

캐릭터 페이지로