마을사람의 여름풍경 도니/대사
My name's Donnel! Huh? Why'd I bring a pot to the beach? You never know when it'll come in handy! | おらはドニ、しがねえ村人だべ。この鍋だか? 海でも油断は禁物。用心のために持っておくだよ! |
Golly, the ocean's beautiful. My ma would sure love it. I think my pa would too, bless his soul. | ひゃぁあ…アスクの海は綺麗だべ。死んだおっ父や、家で待ってる母ちゃんにも見せてやりたかっただ。 |
Villages on the island back home reaped one heck of a bounty from the sea, so we traded crops for fish! | おらの住んでた島の村も海の恵みにあずかっていたべ。畑の作物と魚をよく交換してただ。 |
Nothing beats fresh summer veggies! Why don't you take a load off and snack on 'em with me? | 浜辺近くの村で、新鮮な夏野菜をわけてもらったべ! いい出来だぁ!あとで一緒に食べてみるだよ。 |
It ain't easy fightin' all the time. Even Heroes need to rest their weary bones now and then! | 戦ってばかりじゃしんどいべ。ときには気分転換もしないと身体も心も疲れちまうだ! |
I love summer star-gazin' back home. Can't wait to see what Askr's stars look like! | 夏の夜の星座は好きだべ。アスク王国の夜空にはどんな星座が見えるか、楽しみだぁ。 |
친구 방문
I got some summer veggies for ya from [Friend]! Gosh, I'm not breakin' any kinda dress code, am I? | 水着ですまねえだ![フレンド]から夏野菜のおすそわけだべ! |
레벨 업
The ocean and I are gettin' along swimmingly! Maybe my true calling is bein' a fisherman... | おら、海でも活躍できるんだな!漁師になってみるのも面白そうだべ! |
I won't let nothin' get in the way of these fine folks havin' a swim! | みんな楽しく過ごしているだ!海水浴の邪魔はさせないべ! |
Ouch! Looks like I got a little carried away in the sun... | あちち…浮かれちまって肌を焼きすぎてしまっただ。 |
Summer fun does a body good! I'm gonna keep on getting stronger! | 夏は体力をつけるのにうってつけだべ!これからもガンガン働くだよ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Oh, Summoner, look! There's a fish over here I ain't ever seen before! Gosh, there's new things left and right at the ocean, from colorful fish to tasty frozen treats! Staying here forever sounds mighty appealin' right about now. It's hard to believe that there are still bad folks tryin' to hurt everyone even in such a perfect place... Well, enough's enough! I've decided I'm gonna do those bad suckers in so everyone can enjoy the ocean freely! 'Course, I know I can't go at it alone. There's a lotta bad guys and only one'a me, after all. I wonder if I could persuade anyone to join the fight by sharin' these fresh veggies I got... | [召喚師]!こっちに見たことのない魚が泳いでいるだ! さっき食べた氷菓子もうまかったしアスク王国の海水浴は最高だべ〜。ずーっとここで過ごしたいくらいだ。 んでも、こうしている間にもアスク王国を狙う悪い奴がみんなを苦しめようとしてるべ。 よしっ! おら、決めたべ!みんなが海水浴を楽しめるよう悪い奴らをやっつけるだ! もちろん、おらだけの力じゃどうにもなんねえだ。みんなと力を合わせて頑張るだよ! 城の中に作った畑で取れた野菜をヴァイス・ブレイヴのみんなに食べてもらって、力を貸してもらうべ! |
- | このぉっ! |
- | でぇやっ! |
- | ひゃあっ! |
- | お、溺れる…! |
오의 발동
It's a big 'un! | 大漁だべ! |
Bet I swim faster! | 泳ぎで勝負だ! |
Ocean looks mighty fine! | きれいな海だべなあ |
Ain't summer great? | 夏を楽しむべ! |
I got caught... | 足がつったべ…! |
Pardon! | えへっ |
What a warm n' sunny day! Perfect for splashin' around in the water! | いい天気だべなあ~! 絶好の海遊び日和だべ。 |
Whoa, what's that? Sure is cold! Yer tellin' me it's food?! | うひゃあっ!? そ、その冷たいのなんだべ? 食べれるんだか? |
I've never seen so many kindsa fish! I'll be out here 'til the pigs come home! | 見たことない魚がいっぱいいるべ! 捕って捕って捕りまくるべ! |
Ain't that outfit a little heavy for this weather? Ya got me kinda worried. | あんた、そんな恰好で暑くないだか? 心配だべ。 |
Phew! I am tuckered out after all that swimmin'! | ふあぁ…。たくさん泳いだから眠くなってきたべ… |
I'd sure like to show my ma how beautiful the ocean is... | 母ちゃんにも、このきれいな海を見せてやりたいべ… |
I reckon this was the funnest summer of all time, 'cuz of you! Thanks a bunch! | こんなに楽しい夏は初めてだべ! 恩に着るべ。 |
아군 턴 터치
Yup! | わかったべ! |
Awful bright... | 眩しいべ… |
Race ya! | 競争だべ! |