굳센 전 가희 도로테아/대사


I'm Dorothea Arnault, a songstress with no family. I'm searching for the love of my life. I'll see you around.ドロテア=アールノルト、天涯孤独の歌姫…だったのは昔の話、今は士官学校の学生よ。愛を捧げる相手を探しているの、よろしく。

The heirs to the Alliance, Empire, and Kingdom were all enrolling at the academy.
I thought it would be a great opportunity and allow me to pursue the path Manuela chose...
Manuela is the finest songstress the opera ever had. She's my inspiration, even though she has her problems.歌劇団で一番の歌姫…私の前はそれがマヌエラ先輩だった。私の目標……ちょっと残念なとこもあるけど。
A plain girl can be more popular than a beauty. Some people simply want a viscount when they could have a duke.絶世の美女より、普通の可愛い子のほうが男受けがよかったりするの、わかります?公爵より子爵くらいが狙い目、みたいな。
We should have teatime so all of us in the castle can get to know one another better. What do you say?お城の皆さんと親睦を深めるために、お茶の時間にしません?ねえ、[召喚師]。
I can cook...food. But not anything you'd call "cuisine." It's all the same once it's in your stomach anyway.私が得意なのは、強いて言えば料理というより調理よねえ……食べられれば何でもいいと思っちゃう。

친구 방문

I'm curious, on a personal level: Just what sort of relationship do you have with [Friend]?[フレンド]さんとはどういうご関係です?いえ、単なる個人的な興味です。

레벨 업

I aim to at least learn how to defend myself. I'm seeking a balance of brawn and beauty.自分の身を守る術くらいは身につけておきたいものだけど……美しさと強さの同居が理想ですよねえ。
Is making us experience a real battle part of the church's teachings?こうやって、実戦を経験させるのも教団の指導の一環なのかしら……
Even I get it.私だって、わかってますから。


I appreciate your coaching.ご指導、感謝します。

5성 40레벨 달성

They have dances in Askr, yes? I'm excited to attend one. Maybe there I'll catch a lover.
I'll do anything to be happy. No, I'm serious! I'm always serious. It's how I've stayed alive this long.
That's why I need someone to love. Or, more important, to be loved by. One-sided love isn't good enough.
You, Edie, the professor... I can see you're all doing your best to uphold your ideals...
But you know, hasn't it been a while since you arrived? You must've had at least one or two crushes by now.
I won't pry. Some things should stay secret. But I'm going to spend my days looking forward to that dance.





오의 발동

You underestimated me.寄らないで
Ready to give up?しつこいわね…
Aw, that's cute.やっつけちゃうわ
It's your last dance!これで終わりよ


Can't...quit now...ごめんなさい…


I'll look after you.大丈夫?
I'm right here.ほら、立って
If there's anything you need, I'd be delighted to help out.お役に立てるようがんばりますわ。よろしくお願いします。
Let's not waste a moment of the time we have together.女の旬は短いんですよ。一分一秒、無駄にできません。
Back in the imperial capital, I was a songstress. But those days are behind me, now.帝都では歌姫だったんです。だけど、いつまでも続けてられないから。
So many beautiful and important people in one place. The possibilities are staggering, aren't they?ここには将来性のありそうな男性がたくさんいるのね…ふーん…
Times are tough, but try not to pout. Think of all the people who look to you for inspiration!あなたも大変でしょうけど、難しい顔しないでください。ほら、笑って?

아군 턴 터치

It'll be a cinch.簡単ですわ
Ready for me?どうしましょう?
That's my cue.任せてください

캐릭터 페이지로