흑요석 듀셀/대사


I am Duessel the Obsidian of the Imperial Three—or rather, that is who I once was. Now I am just an old man.わしは帝国三騎が一人【黒曜石】のデュッセル。……元、がつく老体だがな。

When Prince Lyon and his mages, after great effort, finally produced the Dark Stone, everything changed.リオン皇子と闇魔道士たちが研究の末に【魔石】なる宝石を誕生させたと…あの日からすべてが変わった。
Emperor Vigarde was a wise man with a good heart, celebrated as the Silent Emperor...
For him to suffer the fate he did is too terrible to bear.
When I tossed my honor aside and turned traitor to the empire, I knew what was coming for me.
I hoped only that His Majesty would rediscover the kindness I once knew.
I've trained with just about anything you can call a weapon.
Prince Ephraim may hold my lance prowess in high esteem, but I think of myself as a jack-of-all-blades.
I have no objection to being branded a traitor. I regret only turning on the empire and, despite it all, His Majesty.わしは裏切り者とそしられてもかまわん。悔いと呼べるのはただ、グラド帝国に…仮にも陛下に背いたこと、それが唯一よ…

친구 방문

I see. So you're a summoner, just like [Friend].
There really is no telling from appearance alone, is there?

레벨 업

Any who face me had better have their affairs in order!わしは覚悟を決めておる。いまのデュッセルは、不動の山よ。崩す気有るならば、命をかけて来い!
The strength of Obsidian has not waned since His Majesty, Emperor Vigarde, bestowed the honor on me.ヴィガルド陛下より賜りしこの【黒曜石】の力、まだ衰えてはおらんぞ!
I will muster every last ounce of my strength to serve what remains of Grado and its people.遺されたグラドの民のためにも…力を振り絞らねば。


You ought to favor those with more youthful vigor, eager to grow... Nevertheless, you have my thanks.わしよりも、後進に目をかけるべきと思うが…そなたの気持ちはありがたく受けよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

As a warrior, it is when I am closest to death that I feel most alive. Fate's sense of humor, I suppose.
When the evil of the Dark Stone gripped Grado, I lost my honor, everything—I was a hollow shell.
Perhaps I should have remained and followed the orders of my emperor.
I could have died for Grado and avoided the shame that followed my betrayal.
But how can I sit by as the young— Prince Ephraim, Glen, Cormag, Selena, Prince Lyon—risk their lives.
I will fight to my last breath for the young warriors marching to war to defend their countries.
My final wish is for a new Grado to be founded, and I will bear that weight however I must.





오의 발동

I've still got it!甘く見られたものだ
I won't stagger!遅れをとるつもりはない
I must follow my convictions!信じるものの為に!
I'm not finished yet!討ち取ってくれる!


I have fulfilled my service.これでいいのだ…


I am Duessel. I was once the obsidian general of the Grado Empire, but cirumstances demand I turn my back on my home.デュッセルだ。グラド帝国の将であったが故あって不忠の徒となった。
I haven't seen a soldier show guts like that in a long time. Good on you. Haha!おお…わしに悪ふざけをする者もいなくなって、寂しく思っていたところだ。
As a warrior, I take pride in improving my skills and passing them on to willing students.わしは武人だ。武を磨き伝えることしかできぬ。
Ephraim has grown strong. There's nothing left for me to teach him, it seems.エフラムは見事に成長した。もはやわしから教えられることは何もない。
This lance is one of the last weapons forged by Gavaleus. It is my pride and joy. Care for a closer look?これはわしの秘蔵のガヴレウスの槍でな。どうだ、見たいか?
Surely, Cormag will be able to tame that cursed lance once and for all...クーガーなら…あの槍を正しく扱うことができるだろう…
I'll keep a good eye out for you. Command me without worry.すでにこの身はそなたに預けておる。心置きなく使うがいい。

아군 턴 터치

By your will.御意
A daring plan.あえての策か?
Victory is in sight.勝利を手にしよう

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