힘의 신 도마/대사


I am Duma. Strength is my domain. I created the Rigelian Empire.我が名はドーマ。全ての力を司り、リゲルの地を統べる者。

Mankind must become strong. My sister does not seem to understand this. It is regrettable.人は強く逞しくあるべきだ。だが妹はどうしても理解できぬらしい。嘆かわしいことだ。
In Rigel, the land I rule, the people must become strong and self-reliant thanks to the harsh climate.
That is how mankind should be.
You find yourself in another world, yet you temper your spirit on the battlefield here.
You are a true warrior in my eyes.
You are said to be only a summoner, but I find your demeanor familiar. Would you cross swords with me?いかに召喚師といえど多少は覚えがあろう。我が剣を受けてもらおうか。
The people of Rigel... If only they could be diligent in my absence, all would be well. It vexes me.リゲルの民を思っていた。私がおらずとも弛むことなく研鑽を積んでいればよいのだが。

친구 방문

I come to you from my place at [Friend]'s side. I grant you my protection.[フレンド]の元から来た。この地にも我が加護を授けよう。

레벨 업

Only power holds meaning. This is a true blessing.力こそ全て……!これぞ我が祝福なり。
With this strength, I will strike down the wicked and guide the people.この力をもって悪しきを叩き人々を正しく導こうぞ。
Justice without strength means nothing.力無き正義は無意味……。


This world holds new power, even for me. Well done, Summoner.これがこの世界の新たな力……悪くないぞ、召喚師よ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I have come to know you in the time since you called me here, Summoner.
You are a strong one. But your strength is not the strength I hope to see in mankind.
At times, you do approach my ideal... But your kindness is more like my sister Mila's.
Seeing you makes me ponder what things would have been like if we had ruled the land together.
No, this is foolishness. A god like me, learning from you, who is as dirt? Pay this no heed.





오의 발동

Foolish child.人の子めが
Fall to ruin.滅びよ
Only power holds meaning.力こそ全て!
Thirst for me.ひれ伏せ


So be it...もう…よかろう…


I am called Duma. I created the Rigelian Empire. Strength is my domain.我が名はドーマ。あらゆる力を司り、リゲル帝国を造りし者だ。
Hm. You are the only one who has ever touched me on a whim...…私に気安く触れるのはお前くらいのものだな。
A very long time ago...Mila and I came to Valentia from the land of Archanea.私とミラは、はるか昔アカネイアの地からバレンシアへ渡ってきたのだ。
Rigel is a cold and harsh land. That is why my people grew strong.リゲルは寒く厳しい土地だ。だから人は強くあらねばならぬ。
Mila governs the corrupt land of Zofia. It is...most regrettable...ミラの治めるソフィアは堕落している。嘆かわしいことだ。
When did our paths diverge... One cannot help but wonder...われら兄妹はいつ道を違えたのであろうか……
If you walk the path you believe in, Summoner, I will grant you my protection.己の信じる道を往け、召喚師よ。私が加護を授けよう。

아군 턴 터치

It shall be.よかろう
Who's next?どうする?
Witness my strength.我が力を見よ

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