화관을 쓴 흑수리 에델가르트/대사
I am Edelgard, she who will conquer all of Fódlan. I see that, for now, this festival will be my domain. | 私はエーデルガルト。フォドラの地の覇王たらんとする者。祝祭を制するもまた、同じこと……! |
Yes, I am enjoying myself. Thank you for extending the invitation. | ええ、私は楽しんでいるわ。誘ってくれてありがとう。 |
During wartime, we can create space for the people's enjoyment. It takes only the resources of a likely victor. It may not need saying, but trapped rats cannot challenge a looming eagle. | 戦乱の中でも、民が興じる場を設けられる。そんな経世に余裕のある国が最後は勝つ。窮鼠は大鷲に勝てない…当たり前の話ね。 |
Hold a moment. Is something stuck to my head? Ah, a messenger owl's feather. Might this be a gift? | ちょっと待って、首の後ろに何か……これは伝書ふくろうの羽根ね。ひょっとして誰かからの贈り物? |
I am grateful to all who support me. Demonstrating that gratitude in a concrete form is an idea with merit. | 私を支えてくれる皆には感謝しているの。形で気持ちを示すというのは、悪くないことかもしれないわね。 |
The local varieties are pleasant, but I prefer the Hresvelg brand. If you invite me to tea, remember that. | こちらの風味も嫌いではないけれど、結局、フレスベルグの銘柄が一番ね。私をお茶会に誘うなら、知っておくといいわ。 |
친구 방문
I was trailing a friend of yours and became lost. But that is fine. Have you seen [Friend]? | [フレンド]に付いていたつもりが、迷い込んでしまったようね。これも何かの縁、受け取るといいわ。 |
레벨 업
Love is sometimes unrequited. But one can forge a path to the future even so—with a clear head and heart. | 愛はときに一方的なもの……だけど、そのことを自覚すればこそ、未来を切り拓くことが出来るのだわ。 |
The Day of Devotion demands certain responsibilities, and I will fulfill them. | 愛の祝祭を正しく為す……それが本当に必要というのならば、私はそれをやるだけよ。 |
My efforts were not enough. | そう、この程度では足りないというわけね。 |
You are unexpectedly attentive, aren't you? | 貴方、意外とまめな性格なのかしら。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
*sigh* Oh, me? Do not worry yourself. I am merely a little tired. Surely you could use a rest as well. Did I meet everyone's expectations? This is an Askran festival, after all. Well, [Summoner]? In truth, I am not one for these sorts of festivities, but you have been a helpful guide. Were I not in line for the throne of the Adrestian Empire, I could relax. It is a demanding role. In fact, I haven't spent a moment on something like this in quite some time. Stoic, aren't you? No, I do not mind that at all. In fact, in that way, you remind me of the professor. I hope that you and I will share as pleasant a relationship. | ふう……大丈夫、少し疲れただけ。貴方こそ働き詰めでしょう。すこし休みましょうか。 ……どう、[召喚師]?アスク王国の大事な祝祭で私は皆の期待にこたえられている? 私、こういった賑やかなことにはあまり向いていないと思うのだけれど、貴方がいてくれたおかげで助かったわ。 私がアドラステア帝国の皇位継承者などという立場でなければもっと気楽でいられるのだけれどね。 久々にゆっくりとした時間を過ごせたわ。貴方は無口だけれど、それが私には心地よく思わせてくれる。 ……つまり、師に似ているのかしら。貴方とはこれからも良い関係でいたいわね。よろしく、[召喚師]。 |
- | せやあっ! |
Here! | 邪魔よ! |
- | ああっ |
- | 手強い…! |
오의 발동
The Day of Devotion! | 愛の祭りよ |
I am grateful... | 感謝してるわ |
Behave yourself! | 大人しくなさい |
Your story is over. | これで終わりよ |
How pathetic... | もう…情けないわ… |
Aha. | ふふ… |
Is putting on a festival really the best way to express appreciation? | 日頃の感謝なんて、祭りを開かないと伝えられないものかしら。 |
What? Is that supposed to be a joke? | えっ…!? もう、いたずらはやめなさい。 |
I would much rather build camaraderie at a festival than a worship service. | 姿形のない神を崇めるより、人を相手にする祭りの方がいいわ。 |
What kind of flowers do I like? Well, I've always been fond of carnations. | もらってうれしい花? そうね、カーネーションは好きよ。 |
To govern properly, a monarch must respect not only their crown, but those around them. | 周囲の人間を尊重するのは帝王学の基本よ。 |
I wonder where the professor ran off to. Of course I cannot find the one person I appreciate most... | 師はどこ? 一番に感謝を伝えたいのに… |
Please, accept these carnations as a token of my gratitude. Of all the flowers in Fódlan, they were always my favorite. | この花は、あなたへの感謝の証よ。受け取って。 |
아군 턴 터치
I see your plan. | 了解 |
Well then. | さて… |
Know that I'm grateful. | 伝えるわ |