불꽃의 여제 에델가르트/대사


I am Edelgard, uniting emperor of all Fódlan. Whatever you seek, you may trust I have the reach to deliver it.私はフォドラを統べる皇帝エーデルガルト。貴方が望むものが何であれ…それに応えられるだけの力を私は持っている。

Even in an unfamiliar world, I must keep learning. An emperor can never stop moving forward.この私たちの常識が通用しない世界でも、学べることはあるわ。皇帝として、歩みを止めるわけにはいかないもの。
Fódlan is united, but my work is not yet finished. There are still those who slither in the dark to deal with.フォドラの統一は成った。けれど、まだ多くの問題が残っているわ。特に、闇に蠢く者どもの後始末が…
There are many rulers among your company. Commanding them must weigh on you... You should rest.ここには王やそれに連なる者が多くいる。彼らを差配しなければいけない貴方の心労はいかほどかしら? 少し休むといいわ。
Would you share your opinions on the other Heroes with me? I imagine yours is a more objective position.話を聞かせてくれるかしら。貴方の見聞きした、異界の英雄たちの話よ。本人より客観的な意見が聞けるでしょうし。
I was just designing a new form of government in my mind. One that might make for a better world.
There is much I have yet to consider...

친구 방문

I was asked to extend a greeting on behalf of [Friend]. Now I have.[フレンド]から貴方に、よろしくとの言伝よ。確かに伝えたから。

레벨 업

I must outwit even death.強くなるほど、死は遠ざかる…
My reach cannot lag behind my ambitions!更なる野望の実現のため…!
It's not enough!こんなものでは足りない…


With this power, I will cut my own path!これが未来を切り拓く力…!

5성 40레벨 달성

Do not misunderstand, but... I want you. Your wisdom, your ability... But more than any of that, your heart.
The Adrestian empire united Fódlan. But that struggle was only the start. I have much work left to do.
There are many ready to come to my aid, but none like you. You are something special.
So, stay alive, and I will remain here until this world's strife is no more.
And when that time comes, I expect you will return with me to Fódlan. Reach for my hand. Promise me.





오의 발동

A victory for the future!この勝利、未来のため!
You can't stop me.私は止まれない!
No mercy.容赦しない!
This battle is your last.生きては帰さない


You must lead the others...師…皆を…頼んだわ…


Hm?…ん? ふふふっ
The title of Emperor falls to House Hresvelg. However, that legacy ends with me.皇帝位は代々フレスベルグ家が継いできたけれど…それも私で終わり。
Only you are brave enough to surpise the Adrestian Emperor.…アドラステアの皇帝を驚かせようなんていうのは、貴方だけよ。
Ancient practices, left unchecked, will rot the world.どんなものも古いままではいられない。腐り落ちる前に、新しくするのよ。
I will create a world where all people are free, regardless of their bloodline...たとえ弱き者でも独りで立ち、自由を謳歌できる世を、私は創りたい。
Could you trust someone, even knowing they may betray you?裏切られてもいいと思える相手こそが、信じるに値する。そうは思わない?
I have no regrets. But I sometimes wonder if things might have been different...後悔はない…けれど、他のやり方もきっとあったとは、思う…
You will become the light that shines over this world...きっと貴方は、この世界に射す希望の光なのね。

아군 턴 터치

Your plan?どうしたい?
Time to go.さ、進むわよ

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