패도의 종착점 에델가르트/대사


I am emperor of the Adrestian Empire, Edelgard. With my power, I will reshape the crooked world...我が名はアドラステア帝国皇帝エーデルガルト…いびつなる世界を……この力で正しき姿に……!

This body is my wish...for change in a crooked world. Tremendous power is necessary.この身体は私が望み…求めたもの…歪んだ世界を変えるには…揺るぎなき力が必要なのだ……!
To put an end to a bloody history, someone must stand up, even if some call it self-righteous...血塗られた歴史を終わらせるには誰かが…立たねばならない…たとえそれが独善と言われても……
My progress cannot be stopped. All who oppose me will fall to ruin. There can only be one true ruler.我が歩みは…何人たりとも止められない…すべての敵対者が滅びるその時まで…世界の王はただ一人なのだから……
If you believe the weak will remain weak, look again when they are no longer forced to rely on others...弱者が自らを変えずに弱者であろうというのであれば…それは…ただの甘えに過ぎない……
The goddess ignores the pleas of the faithful, and countless souls are lost. That is the crookedness of this world!信仰にすがろうと神は応えてくれない…目的を失ったまま犠牲者が増えるだけ…それは世界の歪みにほかならない……!

친구 방문

I am the one who will free this world of its corruption—together with [Friend].我が名はエーデルガルト…[フレンド]とともに世界の歪みを正すものだ……!

레벨 업

We must trample the past underfoot. We must move onward to a tomorrow that is brighter still!すべての過去を踏み潰し我は前に進む……!
The weak will be scattered.弱き者よ…爆ぜて散るがいい……!
Without power, nothing changes.力なき者には…何も変えることはできない……


I will change the world—by any means necessary!手段は選ばない…。すべては…世界を変えるため……!

5성 40레벨 달성

The longer change takes, the more who fall victim to injustices of our current era...
My wish is to bring change about as quickly as possible. That is why I chose the path of war...
If fewer people suffer in war than would suffer under the present circumstances, that is a victory.
Fools imprisoned by their situation, with no vision for future possibilities... They are betrayers of progress.
You may try, but not even you can stop me. I must continue down the path I've chosen—no hesitation!





오의 발동

I am absolute.覇道は潰えぬ…
Crumble to ash.灰燼と化せ…
Face your mortality.終焉を…


My path ends here...終わる…のか…


I am Edelgard von Hresvelg. The one who will free this world of its corruption.我が名はエーデルガルト…世界の歪みを正すもの…
I will not suffer child's play. That piece of my heart is no more.…戯れるな…そのような心はもう私にはない……
We must trample the past underfoot, and move onward to a brighter tomorrow!全ての過去を踏み潰し、我々は前に進む!
My progress cannot be stopped, no matter how many people try.我が歩みは何人たりと止められない…
These fools cannot see the future ramifications at stake...目の前に捕らわれ未来に考えの及ばぬ愚か者よ…
There can only be one ruler of the world...世界の王は、たった一人…
Facing you... I grow weak...あなたを前にすると…私が鈍る…

아군 턴 터치

Out of my way...邪魔だ…

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