괴력의 중기사 엘피/대사


The name's Effie. I'm a knight from Nohr. Need protection? I'll crush anyone that gets in your way.私はエルフィ…暗夜王国のアーマーナイト。呼ばれたからには、あなたを守るわ。邪魔者は全てひねりつぶしてあげる…

We've got to defeat all of the Heroes that we can if it frees them from being forced to serve.倒した英雄は解放することができる…それならわたし、片っ端から英雄たちを叩き潰して回ればいいのかしら…
I work for Lady Elise. My job is to be a wall between her and enemies. So I bulk up—as much as I can.わたしはエリーゼ様の臣下なの。エリーゼ様のためにたくさん食べて、たくさん強くなることがわたしの使命…
You're always working. If you need my strength, know that I can crush rocks to dust with my bare hands!あなた、いつも忙しそう…力仕事があれば言ってちょうだいね。岩ぐらいなら、拳で粉砕できるから…
Takes a lot of food to keep me bulky enough to be a good wall. So we should hit all the feasts we can.この国の食べ物、気になるわ…いつかおいしいお店に連れて行って。もしくは一緒に見つけに行きましょう…?
I keep stones in my armor to weigh me down. That way, I can train even when I'm just standing around.ちょうど訓練をしていたの。歩いてるだけに見えるかもしれないけど、この鎧の中には、重石がいっぱい…

친구 방문

Going around in armor makes a girl hungry. Worth it to deliver a hello from [Friend].[フレンド]から挨拶よ…これからもよろしくと言っていたわ。おつかい終わったら、お腹すいちゃった…

레벨 업

I feel like I could take on anyone!今なら何でもひねりつぶせそう…
Strict training is the trick!おいしい物を食べたらもっと強くなれる…?
I'll have to work even harder tomorrow.明日から訓練を倍にしようかしら…


Thanks. Every brick makes me a better wall.新しい力、うれしいわ…これでもっと強靭な盾になれる…

5성 40레벨 달성

*munch munch* Tasty... Oh, hey, [Summoner]! Is it snack time for you, too?
You brought me a sandwich? Thanks! Nice of you to hand- deliver it and everything!
I've been eating even more since I got here. Got to be ready to protect Lady Elise and...
you know...protect you as well.
I need to eat a lot and train even more so I can be the shield that keeps you safe.
Thanks again for the sandwich. *munch munch* That was great— packed with kindness.
え? このサンドイッチをわたしに…?そのために来てくれたのね…ありがとう。とてもうれしいわ。




I've been outdone?!押し負けた…!?

오의 발동

No more holding back!ギタギタにする…!
Time to say good-bye.叩き潰す…!
Coming through!押し通すわ…!
I'll crush you to dust!粉砕するわよ…!


My training...訓練…足りなかった…?


Takes a lot of bricks to make this wall. That means training, food, and lots of both.お腹空いちゃった…
One, two, three—! Heh. Always training. Always counting.えい、どっせい。訓練は楽しいわ…
Fish or fowl? Either one's just fine. Long as I get a pile on my plate.お肉、お魚…今日のごはんは何かしら…
Need any boulders moved? No problem for me.邪魔な岩とかあれば、運んであげる…
Quite a weapon you've got there. Afraid I'd break it if I touched it.素敵な神器ね…でもわたしが触ったら壊してしまいそう…
Where's Lady Elise? She and I like to grab snacks when we can.エリーゼ様どこかしら…一緒におやつを食べたいのに…
You leave the heavy stuff to me. I'd lift a cow for you, friend.力仕事は任せて…わたし、ここに来てから…あなたのために頑張りたい気分なの…

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.行きましょう…
Who to crush?ひねりつぶす…

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

It's crushing time!潰すわよ…
Might IS right!ちっちゃい…
Outta my way!そこをどいて…
Just try and stop me!わたしを止められる…?

패배 - 신장

Should've trained more...まだまだ…未熟ね…

상태창 - 신장

Gotta say, these new clothes are pretty great.新しい衣装…嬉しい…
Did you need something? ...Can it wait until after I'm done training?…? 今何かした? 訓練に夢中でわからなかった…
Those bigger bodies mean even more room to build muscle. Must be nice to be a jötun...体が大きければ力も強くなる…巨人族なんて羨ましいわ…
Just what are the jötnar eating to get muscles like that? More importantly, do you think I could get them to share?ヨトゥン王国の人たちは、どんなご飯を食べてあんなに大きくなるのかしら…
Getting up close and personal means I gotta make sure to protect myself AND this outfit.衣装を壊してしまわないように…気をつけなくちゃ…
Have you seen Lady Elise? I bet she'll think this outfit is a delight!エリーゼ様…どこですか? 新しいわたしを見てください…
You've always been so nice to me, and I want you to know that it really means a lot. So thanks.あなたにはいつもよくしてもらって…わたし、嬉しい…

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Sure thing.わかった
You ready?よいしょ…
Let's knock some heads!どかせてくるわ

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