벽풍의 상냥한 왕녀 에이리크/대사


My name is Eirika. I'm not fond of fighting, but I'll do my best to support your cause.私はエイリークと申します。戦いは好きではありませんが…お役に立てるよう精一杯努めます。

I wonder if any of us will ever see a world that's happy, prosperous, and free of conflict?みんなが幸せで、争いのない世界…いつか、そんな未来が訪れるでしょうか?
In my world, I'm constantly being helped by my brother. It's rather embarrassing, really.元の世界では、私はいつも兄上に助けていただいてばかりで……お恥ずかしいです。
I'm quite well, thank you. You're most kind to ask.はい。私なら大丈夫です。いつもありがとうございます、あなたは優しい方ですね…
What sort of world are you from? One plagued by war? Or one graced by peace?あなたが元いた国にも、やはり戦はあるのでしょうか?それとも、平和な国でしたか?
I was just practicing my sword form. My brother would be sure to scold me if I missed a day.剣の素振りをしていました。ちゃんと毎日訓練をしないと、兄上に叱られてしまいます。

친구 방문

I've come with greetings on behalf of [Friend].
May your friendship grow.

레벨 업

If only Ephraim could see me now!兄上、見ていてくださいますか…?
Glad to see my daily training pay off!ふだんの訓練のおかげでしょうか。
My brother would never let me forget this.兄上に叱られてしまいます…


Surely this will help make up for my lack of sheer strength.私に足りない強さ…身についたでしょうか。

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you think I've gotten strong enough? Let me just say that if you're happy, then I'm happy.
When I was a child, my father and brother praised how gentle I was. I value such a quality.
But it can be a weakness in the face of oppression or deception. I wish it wasn't true, but it is.
When you need to protect those you must, strength is crucial.
Still, I refuse to give up my kindness and compassion.
You have helped me stay my course—growing stronger while remaining myself.
For that, I thank you and continue to pledge myself to your cause!





오의 발동

Now it's my turn!こちらから!
I will give it my all!戦わなくては!
I cannot allow this!許しません!
If this is war, so be it.これが戦…




I am grateful for your kindness.優しいお言葉、感謝致します。
Ah! Oh, no more of that. You'll vex me!きゃっ!? も、もう…怒りますよ!
It's best to resolve conflict without fighting. When possible.戦わずにすむのなら、それが一番よいのですが…
Would you be willing to assist with my sword training?剣の稽古を手伝っていただけませんか?
How curious. I feel such warmth and hope when near you.不思議ですね。あなたといると…胸が暖かくなります
My brother and I, and our friend Lyon—we once had grand ideas about the future.兄上と、リオンと…昔語り合ったような未来を…
Promise me, please, that you won't leave me alone.あなたは…どこかへ行ってしまったりしないでください。

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.行きましょう!

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Sleep tight!おやすみなさい
You need a nap!素敵な夢を…
I'll put you down!眠らせてあげます
Rest easy!逃げられませんよ

패배 - 신장

What dreams...await?私の…夢は…

상태창 - 신장

The garb of Ljósálfheimr is not what I'm used to, but I do find it quite fanciful and elegant.妖精の国アルフの衣装です。可愛らしい衣装をありがとうございます。
There's no need to tease me, you know. I'm not a child.きゃあっ! もう…そのような子ども扱いはやめてください。
I suppose I'm lighter on my feet without the weight of armor, but I do miss the protection.え? この衣装は軽装すぎる? そうでしょうか…
If only these wings were not merely for show. I'd love to soar through the sky!この羽で、本当に空を飛べたら素敵ですね。
I wonder if my brother would consider wearing a matching outfit. It could be fun!兄上は何ておっしゃるでしょうか…。早くお会いしたいです。
If I had the power of the ljósálfar, I would ensure that my brother and Lyon had nothing but carefree dreams. Like the old days...もしも妖精の魔法が使えたら…リオンと兄上と、もう一度幸せな夢を…
You're always a reassuring presence in my dreams. As soon as you appear, I know everything's going to be all right.あなたの明るい笑顔に、私はいつも救われているんです。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Let's not sleep on it.行きましょう
Don't nod off, now.眠いのですか?
Dreaming of victory.夢の世界へ

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