양광 속으로 에이트르/대사
I am Eitr... Is it r-really OK if I join you in the spring festival? | 私はアイト…。春の祭り…?い、いいの…?私なんかが…一緒に楽しんでも…。 |
Such gatherings usually frighten me, but... It's so nice and warm here. It's very calming. | 人がたくさんいる場所はこわいけど…ここは…温かい…。なんだかほっとする…。 |
I was in a world where nothingness had spread far and wide. No hope, no future, no spring sunshine... Nothing. | 私がいたのは…虚無が広がる世界。希望も未来も…輝く春もなにひとつ、なかったの…。 |
Spring has arrived. I hope my brother is out there somewhere...enjoying the spring wherever he is. | スプリング…ハズ、カム…。お兄様も…どこかで春を楽しんでいると…いいな…。 |
This season is so bright... It's hard to believe such a world exists beyond the nightmares. | なんてまばゆい季節なの…?悪夢の外にはこんなキラキラした世界が広がっていたなんて…。 |
I wonder... If I'm dressed as a rabbit, does that mean I can run away faster if I get scared? | う、兎の格好をしていれば怖いことがあってもすぐに逃げられる…かな? |
친구 방문
Is...someone there? I was told this spring-festival invitation is for you. It's from [Friend]. | 誰か…いないの…?[フレンド]から春の祭りの招待状…預かってきたわ。 |
레벨 업
My heart... It feels so warm. I believe I may come to enjoy the spring. | 胸が…とっても温かい。春のこと、好きになりそう。 |
I cannot just yearn... I must extend my hand and take the strength that the spring dream has for me. | 憧れてるだけじゃダメ…手を伸ばさないと。春の夢、私に力を貸して…。 |
I'm sorry if I ruined the festival... | ごめんなさい…お祭りの空気を暗くしちゃって…。 |
A gift...to celebrate spring? I will take good care of it. Thank you. | これが…春の贈り物?大切にするわ、ありがとう…。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
[Summoner]... Thank you so much for inviting me to such a wonderful festival. Truly. In my world there were no festivals. There was only cold and dark and a vast, endless nothingness... But even in that empty world, I had faint memories of my brother. They were my one and only hope. The spring air reminds me of him... Kind and warm...and soothing. I want to stay in the spring sun just a little while longer...if that is OK. Thank you so much. I won't forget this... The first festival where I could spend time in the sun...with everyone. | [召喚師]…素敵なお祭りに招待してくれて…本当にありがとう。 私の世界にはなにもなかった。暗くて、寒くて…虚無だけが…目の前に広がっていた。 そんな世界でも…かすかに残っていたお兄様の…思い出。それが私の唯一の希望だったの。 春の空気はお兄様に…似てる。優しくて温かくて…すごく安心できて…。 この春の陽光を…もう少しだけ浴びていたい。ダメ…? ありがとう。私…忘れないわ。この陽光でみんなと過ごしたはじめてのお祭りのことを…。 |
- | それ… |
- | こないで…! |
- | きゃっ… |
- | ひどい… |
오의 발동
So this is spring? | 春…なの…? |
Hippety-hop... | ぴ…ぴょん… |
It's so warm... | 暖かい… |
Wake up! | ね…起きて… |
I never...had a chance... | やっぱり…無理… |
Uh-huh. | ふう… |
Why would someone want me at a spring festival? | 私なんかが…春のお祭りに来ていいの…? |
Ah! Stop it! Please! Don't pick on me... | きゃっ…!? 私…なにか悪いことをしたのね… |
Bunnies are cute. And everyone likes them. I wish I... | 兎って可愛くて…みんなに好かれて…うらやましい… |
I-if I get embarrassed, I'll just hide behind the ears. | この大きな耳は…恥ずかしい時、姿を隠してくれるの… |
Spring changes so much. But I'm always the same. I do like the flowers though... | 春になっても…私はなにも変わらない…。でも、お花は好き… |
Oh Freyr. I miss you so much... | お兄様…どこ…? ぐすっ…しくしく… |
I feel so hopeless... Would it be all right if held your hand? | 心細いから…手をつないでいい…? |
아군 턴 터치
Hm... | うん… |
What now? | そうなの…? |
Where? | こっちね… |