진실을 보는 자 엘핀/대사


I am Elffin, a bard. It is an honor to make your acquaintance. May I interest you in a song?はじめてお目にかかります。私はエルフィン……吟遊詩人です。よろしければ1曲いかがですか。

Oh... My eyes...うっ……目が…
A blow to the Etrurian government is necessary in order to save those across the Western Isles.西方三島全体の民を助けるには、エトルリアが置いた総督府に打撃を与える必要があるでしょう。
It is best to take a breath and rest a moment before one pushes too far.あともう少し頑張りたいという時ほど、一息ついたほうがよろしいでしょう。
My eyesight is still hindered at times... It is an aftereffect of the poison...
Please, do not concern yourself. I need but a moment to recover.
Though he is young, Roy understands the people. With him as leader, the future is bright.ロイ将軍はまだお若いけれど民の心がわかる方だ…エトルリアだけでなくこの世界を正しく導いてくれるだろう。

친구 방문

I am a traveling bard who mends the hearts of those scarred from battle. Care to listen to a soothing melody?私は旅の吟遊詩人……戦いに傷ついた心をいやす調べを、よろしければ1曲いかがですか。

레벨 업

When I awoke from the brink of death, I did not recognize the world. Perhaps it always looked this way.死の淵から生還したとき、世界はそれまでと別のものに見えた……しかし本当は、何も変わっていないのかもしれない……
Shh! We never know where the enemy spies may hide. I am a mere bard...as I have always been.どこに敵の耳があるかもしれない。ここでも私は、ただの吟遊詩人だ。
I must eliminate my father's fear of losing me. Once that is gone, I will see him again.「私を失う恐怖」の元を絶たねばならない。父と再びまみえるのは、それからのこと……


At some point this fighting will end. And when that time comes, what shall I do then?いずれ戦いは止むでしょう。そのとき、私はどうするべきか……

5성 40레벨 달성

I once died in the most literal sense. My horse was shot, and I was thrown off and struck by a poisoned arrow.
General Douglas reported me fallen and arranged for my escape to the Western Isles. He...saved me.
I teetered between life and death with a high fever. And at some point, the poison affected my sight as well.
When I finally opened my eyes, I saw the Etrurian aristocrats' countless abuses against those in the west.
I was ashamed of myself and my country. I regarded my misfortune as punishment for my ignorance.
And so...I joined the resistance, in hopes of eradicating the infection that runs through Etruria.
My sincerest hope is to restore some semblance of justice.





오의 발동

I will not give up!あきらめない…!
I shall return!私は戻ってきた!
They will be saved.救ってみせます
For our people!我が祖国のために…!


I let them down...私には…まだ……


I will not give up!あきらめない…!
They will be saved.救ってみせます
I...regret my ignorance... To be so blind to the offenses committed beyond my country's border...私は…国内にしか目がいかなかった愚かな自分を恥じました。
Roy... When I first met Lord Roy, I felt as though I could entrust him with my life.ロイ殿になら私の人生をたくしたい…そう思ったのです。
Something you deem simply coincidence may very well be destiny.偶然と思っていること…それすらも運命なのかもしれませんよ。
I will never give up. And with Roy, the future is bright.最後まで私はあきらめない。ロイ殿ならば、あるいは…
Please, simply regard me as another of your retainers.どうか私を臣下の一人にお加えください。

아군 턴 터치

As you say.はい
I see...そうですね…
Stay on guard.用心しましょう

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