청진여왕 에린시아/대사


The orphan of the late King Ramon, I am now queen of Crimea. I'm Elincia, and together we will chart our future!私は――前国王ラモンの忘れ形見にして、クリミアの女王、エリンシア!未来のため、共に参りましょう!

I am now the ruler of Crimea. I will not abandon that role. It is time to take all challenges in stride.
I will endure anything to build a better future for my people.
The discontent among the lords and populace was due to my lack of experience as a ruler.
I did not have the determination required of a queen.
I will not allow a single seed of future trouble to take root in the present. I will see that effort through.将来への禍根は……残さず取り除く。私はその覚悟をしました。
Two successors—myself and King Pelleas—found two heroes, Lord Ike and the Silver-Haired Maiden.
It is almost unnatural...
War creates despair and hardens hearts. The Crimean people shall not be subjected to such horrors again.戦争は民を苦しめ、人の心を卑しくします。クリミアの人々にはそのような歴史を繰り返してほしくないのです。

친구 방문

You are the esteemed summoner of this castle, yes? May your fortunes continue to grow.
Oh! My apologies. I come bearing warm regards from your ally, [Friend].

레벨 업

May my light bathe the people of Crimea, and all those who call this world home, in its warm embrace.私の掲げる光がクリミアの民のため、そして世界に生きるすべての人々を健やかに照らすことを願います。
Thank you, everyone. I am indeed the queen of Crimea, and a queen does not hide.ありがとう、みなさん。私はクリミアの女王……もう逃げ隠れはしません。
I will weep and tremble no longer. With everyone by my side, I have no other direction but forward.私はもう泣きません。怯えもしません。皆と共に歩むのみです。


Thank you for your concern, Summoner. I assure you, I am well.お気遣いありがとうございます。[召喚師]様。私は大丈夫です。

5성 40레벨 달성

I once thought if we could only repel Crimea's invaders, the kingdom would return to how it once was.
But that was not so. The people buckled under the weight of war, and lords obsessed over petty squabbles.
Countless wounds inflicted during the conflict slowly shredded the kingdom from the inside, leaving it to rot.
Further, those whose loved ones had been lost by Daein's hand demanded revenge, and how could I refuse?
The Crimea I knew was gone, throne stained with blood, and yet I was to rule as queen? I did not want that...
Even so, allowing it to be taken by someone with a wicked heart instead would only lead to more pain.
I could not ignore my culpability in Crimea's suffering. So I pledged the rest of my life in service to her.
Now, with my ever-loyal retainers at my side and the people's love at my back, we will chart out a new future.





오의 발동

I will stop you.とめてみせます
With my allies beside me!みんなの力で…
I will hesitate no longer!もう迷いません


I had further to go...まだまだ…ですね……


With my allies beside me!みんなの力で…
I was able to come this far because so many people believed in me.たくさんの人が私を信じてくれたから、ここまでくることができました。
I want to be more diligent in my training. Perhaps my lord Ike will help me.もっと精進しないと…アイク様に訓練をお願いしようかしら?
Instead of cursing one's own powerlessness, it is critical to foster a desire to change and become stronger.無力を嘆くのではなく、変わりたいと強く願い努めることが大切なのです。
If I could save just one ally, it would mean so much to me.傷ついた仲間を、1人でも多く救うことができたら…
I have ascended to a new strength. I vow to protect you.新たに花開いたこの力で、あなたを守ることを誓います。

아군 턴 터치

I shall do it.ええ
Where to?どうしますか?
Leave it to me.お任せください

캐릭터 페이지로