열화의 용기사 엘리우드/대사


I am Eliwood. Is anything causing you trouble? I will gladly assist with any task for which you believe I'm suited.こんにちは、僕はエリウッド。何か困ったことでもあるのかい?僕でよければ、力になるよ。

Seeing all the Heroes gathered here... I'm reminded that dragon and human are not so different.ここに集う英雄たちを見ていると、やはり、人と竜との差なんて小さな事なんだと、改めて感じるね。
Hector has a certain sturdiness that I envy. I want to train with him as equals, but that may not be realistic...ヘクトルの頑丈さがうらやましいよ。互角でありたいと思っているけど、実戦だと、そうはいかないだろうね。
Are you making sure to get enough rest? Be sure to take breaks often! ...People often tell me that too.やあ、しっかり休めているかい。何事にも、適度な休息が必要だよ。…僕もよくそう言われるんだけどね。
Care to join me for some training? All right. Then hold the sword like that... And set your feet like this...少し、稽古に付き合ってくれないかい?ちょっと剣を、こう…そうそう、そんな風に構えてくれてればいいから。
I've been preparing a special elixir... It tastes horrible, but if it means I stay healthy for Pherae, it's worth it.薬湯を煎じているんだよ。えっ、おいしいものではないけれど…健康でいることも仕事のうちだからね。

친구 방문

I'm Eliwood, Marquess of Pherae. I've come to exchange pleasantries. Are you...[Summoner]?私はフェレ侯エリウッド。挨拶の交換に立ち寄らせていただいた。[召喚師]殿は、こちらに?

레벨 업

I seem to be in unusually good form... All my training must be adding up!いつになく、調子がいい。ますます鍛錬がはかどりそうだ。
I will remember this feeling for a long time to come.この感覚、忘れずにいたいね。
Have I...reached my potential?体に…力が入らない…


Thank you. Much appreciated. If I can live up to your expectations, I will do so happily.ありがとう、感謝する。期待には、応えていきたいね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hello, [Summoner]...
Your coordination of the troops on the field the other day was superb. It reminded me of an old friend...
Tell me—does someone as powerful as you find me...lacking? Please, you may speak freely...
I ask only because...I am no match for Hector in strength, nor can I match you in wisdom.
The one gift I have is my unyielding resolve. I am willing to weather any storm in order to seize victory.
Even if I'm not the most impressive person here, I am proud of that gift. And proud to be at your command.





오의 발동

Time to settle this!決着だ!
Just getting started!ここからだ!
Let's finish this.終わらせよう


Face the future...この先の…未来を…


I'm Eliwood—uh, come again? Legendary Hero? Did I...hear that correctly?僕はエリウッド。 え? 僕が伝承の英雄だって…?
Yes? Oh, would you like to spar with me?わっ!? …もしかして、僕と手合わせを?
I may not have the strongest constitution, but battles are not decided by brute strength alone.僕は丈夫な方ではないけれど、戦いは体力だけでは決まらない。
My wish is for our world to one day become a utopia, where humans and dragons can live peacefully together.僕たちの世界が、人と竜が共に暮らせる、理想郷となるように…
If it meant a future for our children... I would not hesitate to lay down my life.子供たちの未来のためなら…命は惜しくない。
The children of fire... The children of prophecy that will save us all...予言にあった、人々の助けとなる炎の子…それは…
We are what we are now because of you. Allow me to express my deepest gratitude.君がいてくれたから、今の僕たちがある。君に、心からの感謝を。

아군 턴 터치

Let's see now...そうだね
What's your plan?君の策は?
My turn?僕の番かな

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