마음을 닫는 신부 엠블라/대사


I was tricked into coming to this... bridal festival. Curse you, Askr! You and that damn summoner.おのれアスクめ…召喚師と結託し、このエンブラを花嫁の祭りに誘い出すとはぁ…!

The mortals chose Askr over me. No one chooses me. So I ask, what is the meaning of me dressing as a bride?人間たちはみなアスクを選んだ。誰も私を選ばない…そんな私が…花嫁になっても…?
I was not lonely...not even a little. I have lived a secluded life. But, despite that... Urgh...まわりに誰もいなくとも寂しくはなかった…だから…閉ざされた世界で生きてきた。…なのに…ううぅ…
Damn you! If Askr were to see me like this, I would be shamed for a thousand years...おのれぇ…こんな姿、アスクに見られたら…千年の恥となってしまうぅ…
This gown... Why does it fit me so perfectly? No... Elm?! What did you do?!この花嫁衣装…どうして私の丈にこうまでぴったりなのだ…ま、まさか…エルム…!?
This is a...bridal gown? Hm-hmh... Ha-hah... Wait! Do not get the impression I am enjoying this.これが花嫁の衣装…でふ、でふふ…ま、待てぇ…浮かれてなどおらぬぅ…!

친구 방문

I am Embla... What?! This outfit? It is a trap! The one responsible is [Friend].我が名はエンブラ…この衣装は[フレンド]が仕組んだ…罠…そう、罠だ…!

레벨 업

I will play along with your little dress-up game, just this once... Better make it worth my while!こ、今回だけ…お前らの思惑に乗ってやるぅ…わ、私を幸せにしろぉ…!
You say I am pretty? Such obvious false flattery...私が綺麗だと…?そのような見え透いたお世辞…
You deserve but the wrath of my hate... For you have brought me more shame than this gown.に、憎い憎い憎いぃ…花嫁に恥をかかせたなぁ…!


You believe a charity of this caliber will soften my heart? Hm-hm-hmh...こ、この程度の施しで私の心が揺らぐなどとぉ…

5성 40레벨 달성

I...remember... Long ago, some newlywed mortals came seeking my blessing... Yes, to me...
They were...so full of joy. And what did I say to them? What did I...think of them?
Mortals once loved me, you know. However, that was long ago. I have since closed that chapter...
But here...at a festival like this...I feel a strange sensation, long forgotten, seeping out of my heart.
Uuurrrgh... Curse you! For meddling with my heart! I will never forgive you for this... Never.





오의 발동

Love is nothing.愛などくだらぬ…
I make no vow.誓うものかぁ
No hand shall I grasp...手などとらぬわぁ


As I...told you...ほら…みたことかぁ…


Did you summon me only so that I may suffer?なぜ私を呼んだ…嫌がらせのつもりかぁ…
*grunt* I warned you before. Do not touch me.うぅ… 触るなといっておろうがぁ…
None would choose me. They would choose one like Askr, as the mortals did.私など誰も選びはせぬ… 人々がアスクを選んだように…
A partner in life... One whom I would make an undying vow to... No.愛を誓い…永遠に過ごす相手など…私にはいない…
A wedding dress, is it?花嫁衣裳など…どうでもいい…
If someone were to love me... Then I...誰かが私を愛してくれるのなら…私は……
Will you stay by my side? Could you be...お前は私の…そばにいてくれるのか…?

아군 턴 터치

You dare command me?どこへいけと…
I go where I go.手をひけぇ…

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