쌍성의 용왕 에프람/대사


I am Prince Ephraim of Renais.
My father, Fado, met an untimely death... In his place, I vow to protect the people. Every last one.

What surprises me is this: how little I am surprised by being in a world I know nothing about.
All those voices, the ones that called out for me... Perhaps that's why.
My father was praised by many as a peerless Warrior King.
And I...I once made a joke about how he'd outlive us all.
Well now, [Summoner]...
Are you sure you're ready? To lead on the battlefield, you need both strength and stamina.
I've been spending time gazing at the stars in the sky...
I don't know any of the constellations of this world, but it doesn't make their light any less beautiful.
I hope Eirika is all right...
She has always been by my side. Now that we're apart, I find myself worrying about how she fares.

친구 방문

I'm Ephraim. [Friend] told me you're good in a fight. Want to spar? We can go one-on-one.俺はエフラム。良い相手だと[フレンド]に言われてな。ひとつ、力試しといこうか。

레벨 업

Sword or lance, it doesn't matter. In a fair fight, I'll beat anyone with this axe.剣だろうと槍だろうと…すべてこの斧で叩き伏せる。
You know, axes aren't half-bad, as weapons go. I feel like I have more options now.斧というのも悪くないな。戦の幅が広がった。
Facing adversity brings meaning to your life.…逆境だな。だが、それでこそ挑戦し甲斐がある。


I feel completely vitalized and ready to go. It must be thanks to this.これが新たな力…心地の良い昂ぶりだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

After my father's life was stolen... After our homeland was stolen... After everything I knew fell away...
That's when I vowed that I would protect my kingdom in my father's stead.
When my father was alive...that thought would never have crossed my mind.
I know that something I once said disappointed him greatly.
You see, I said that Eirika should succeed the throne while I lived the life of a mercenary, lance in hand.
What would my father say if he could see me now? Would he be satisfied with the man I've become?
I'm sure he'd upbraid me. "You have a long way to go," he'd say. He would be right.
I want to do what I can to become a good king—to get ever closer to the ideals he upheld.
For no other reason than to not disappoint him once more.





오의 발동

We must press forward!今は前へ…
Are you prepared?覚悟はいいな
No time to waste.遊んでいる暇はない
By Garm's might.ガルム!




My outfit? Why, it's a suit of armor from Renais. It's... Ugh... Really heavy...この格好か? ルネス王国の甲冑だ。ああ、なかなかに重い…
My father was Fado, king of Renais. He was known as a peerless Warrior King.俺の父はルネス王ファード。「勇王」と讃えられる勇ましい王だった。
I once said that Eirika should succeed the throne... And that I'd be perfectly content taking my lance and traveling the land as a mercenary.国はエイリークに任せて、俺は大陸一の傭兵を目指す…昔は、そう言っていたな。
This axe is known as Garm. It's a weapon from Lyon's homeland...この斧はガルム。リオンの祖国の武器だ…
My father was so strong. I never imagined he could be defeated...父上は強かった。あの父上が敗れるなど、考えたこともなかった…
My father was killed by my best friend Lyon.父上を殺したのは…リオン…俺の親友だ…
I'll protect you. I don't want to lose anyone else.お前を守らせてくれ。俺は、お前を失いたくない。

아군 턴 터치

Where to begin?どう攻める?
The only way is forward.進むだけだ。
Together, we will always stay.

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

You will burn.燃やし尽くす!
Nothing but ashes!灰になれ!
I will overcome!超えてみせる!
Give me your best.本気でこい!

패배 - 신장

Too hot...熱い…な…

상태창 - 신장

Thank you for the outfit. I'm grateful.お前が用意した衣装、ありがたく着させてもらったぞ
Sneaking up on people? Don't complain to me if that gets you hurt.うわっ!? …またお前か。けがをしても知らないぞ。
The people of Múspell may be rough around the edges, but the princesses strike me as reasonable.ムスペルの連中は気が荒いが、王女姉妹は話が通じそうだ。
Some might disagree, but I for one would love to visit the Kingdom of Flame. It must be quite a sight.炎の王国なんて、むしろ俺は行ってみたいがな。
Heavy armor makes footwork difficult. Wearing gear like this reminds me how impressive my father truly was.こういう衣装は足さばきが難しいな…。父上はさすがだ。
Leadership is a heavy burden to bear, no matter the country.どんな国であろうと、国を背負う重圧は変わらないのだろうな。
Don't concern yourself about my needs. You need only direct me as you see fit.俺に気を遣う必要はない。なんでも遠慮なく命じてくれ。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Cleansing flame.片付ける

캐릭터 페이지로