성실한 천마기사 퓨리/대사


I am Erinys, a pegasus knight of Silesse. Like my sister, I am one of the Four Heavenly Knights.
I ask that you not look down on me because of my inexperience.

I've sworn to return Prince Lewyn to Silesse no matter what. I cannot allow either of us to die before that!レヴィン様は何があっても、必ず生きてシレジアに帰ると約束してくださいました。ですから私も生き残ってみせます……!
All the Heroes work hard in service of this country... I must pull my weight too. I won't be left behind!ヴァイス・ブレイヴの皆さんは国を守るために活動されているのですね。私も負けていられません。
The battles seem to go on with no end in sight... Why not rest? I will tend to matters for you.激しい戦いが続きますね。すこし休憩されてはいかがですか?ここは私が見ておきますから。
When next we have an opportunity, would you go shopping with me?
I'm hoping to get some fine clothes like I see others in the castle wear.
I brush my pegasus often. It clears out the pests and helps bring out the coat's shine.
It takes some strength too, so it also serves as a way to build muscle.

친구 방문

I am Erinys, a pegasus knight of Silesse. I've come with a delivery from [Friend].シレジアの天馬騎士、フュリーです。[フレンド]さんからお届けものです、お受け取りください。

레벨 업

I am no longer the person I once was. I will never be called a crybaby again!以前の私はもういない……泣きむしフュリーだなんて二度と呼ばせない!いくわよ!
As a pegasus knight of Silesse, I will fight in the service of Queen Lahna and Prince Lewyn with pride!シレジアの天馬騎士たるもの、ラーナ様を支え、レヴィン様をお守りし、戦い抜いてみせます……誇り高く!
I'll never reach my goal if this keeps up...ああっ……こんなことでは…


Huh. This feels unusual somehow... I want to help out even more now!えっ、不思議な感じ……もっと皆さんのお役に立てますね!

5성 40레벨 달성

Thank you ever so much for your kindness, helping me when I'd nearly lost all I had on me...
I was caught up looking at all the shops, I let my eyes drift from my belongings for a moment, and...
Well, if I was alone, I would probably be left with only my own tears.
I finally became a pegasus knight like I always dreamed, but I mustn't let myself feel so secure.
I am not at my sister's level just yet.
I've come to think of my being summoned here as a new way for me to train and get stronger.
I want to prove I am a knight who can stand apart in my own right!
But before that, I should prove I can shop by myself, I suppose... I will be more careful next time!
Hey! Please don't laugh!





오의 발동

This won't go your way.そうはいかないわ
Make your preparations.覚悟しなさい!
You underestimate me!負けないから!
No forgiveness.許さないわ!


I did what I could, Lady Lahna...ラーナ様…お許しください…


I am Erinys, knight of Silesse, and I would be honored to fight by your side for a time.シレジアの騎士、フュリーです。しばらくご一緒させていただきます。
Oh, was there something on my uniform? *sigh*きゃあっ! ふ、服に何かついてましたか? 恥ずかしい…
Lord Lewyn is known as the Hero on the Wind. He inherited his might from the crusader Ced.レヴィン様は風の聖戦士、セティ様の力を受け継ぐお方です。
I was called crybaby and worse when I was younger, but I am no longer that child.昔は泣き虫フュリーなんて言われたけど、もう昔の私じゃありません。
I must bring Lady Lahna some happiness.ラーナ様には幸せになっていただかなければ。
Hmm... Lord Lewyn and Annand...?レヴィン様はマーニャ姉様のことが…
I am glad I came to Askr. Do I seem more worldly after meeting all the other Heroes?私、この特務機関に来て少しはあか抜けたでしょうか…?

아군 턴 터치

Per my oath.約束します
As Fate wills.やむをえません
Leave it to me.お任せください!

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