예지의 마도사 엘크/대사


I am Erk. I am to be my teacher's ideal student.僕はエルク。師にふさわしい弟子になるため、修行中の身です。

Is there a cleric here by the name of Serra, by chance? I just want to avoid getting involved in any more trouble...セーラ…というシスターはここにいますか?いえ、またやっかいごとに巻き込まれたくないので、念のために…
Has anyone ever told you that you remind them of a tactician from Elibe?あなたは……エレブ大陸の軍師に似ていると言われたことはありませんか……?
I am not cut out for battle. My dream is to be a person worthy of respect, and to establish a place of research.やっぱり僕には戦いなんて向いてない。早く立派になって、静かな森に研究所でも構えるのが僕の夢ですよ。
Magic feels the same in this world. That must mean, like the people, the spirits are similar to those in Elibe...この世界でも同じように魔法が使える。ということは、人がそうであるように精霊の在りようも似ているのか……
Ah... Pardon me. Just a moment. I am nearly done with this book...あ……大丈夫です、すみません。もうちょっとだけ、あとすこしでこの本を読み終えますから……

친구 방문

I've been sent to bring this to you, from [Friend].[召喚師]さん?[フレンド]様からこれを預かって来ました。

레벨 업

Yes! This is the feeling I live for.よし……!この感覚だ。
Phew... One more battle, and then can we rest a bit?ふぅ……あともう一戦したら少し休もう…
I want to control the magic within me at will... If I cannot manage that, I'll never be a first-rate mage.自分の中の魔力を自由に操れるように…それができないようでは、いつまでたっても一流の魔道士にはなれない。


I still have much to learn next to my teacher, but I will put in whatever effort is necessary to close that gap.まだ先生には遠く及ばないけど、少しでも近づけるように努力します。

5성 40레벨 달성

...Ah! So sorry! Yes, I am all right. I must have dozed off there.
My teacher, Lord Pent, who trained me in magic, found me sleeping like that and woke me similarly.
I must admit, it is a somewhat embarrassing way to be roused.
I have been working to learn more about the magic here—for several days now—and I must be exhausted...
I will try to be more mindful of getting rest moving forward so I do not worry Lord Pent...or you.





오의 발동

Let my studies show their worth!学んだ成果を…
Don't trouble yourself.お構いなく
See if you can match me!僕が相手だ!
Behind me!下がってて


Lord Pent...パント…先生……


I see.ふう…
My name is Erk. If I am going to fight, I will show you the true power of magic!僕はエルク。やるからには手は抜かない。魔法の威力、お見せするよ。
Serra? Oh, no. It's you. You gave me a fright.うわっ! セーラ?! …なんだ君か。心臓に悪い…
There is no stronger ally than Lord Pent. Is he here?パント先生ほど心強い味方はいないよ。ここにはいらっしゃるのかい?
When I am caught up in a book, I become so absorbed that I forget even to eat.本を読み始めると夢中になってしまって、食事も忘れてしまうんだ。
Anything but protecting Serra again. My nerves couldn't endure it...セーラの護衛は二度とごめんだよ。僕の神経が耐えられない…
Lord Pent, Lady Louise... I will repay my debt to you one day.パント先生、ルイーズ様…御恩はいつか必ずお返しします。
It would please me to use the magic that I have mastered in your service.君の為に、僕が今まで学んできた魔道を生かせることが嬉しいんだ。

아군 턴 터치

That might work.悪くないね。
I'll lend you my strength.力を貸すよ。

캐릭터 페이지로