추위에 꺾이지 않는 마음 펠리시아/대사


I'm Felicia! I'm here to help out with the festival. Here's some warm tea... Yikes! I slipped on the ice!お祭りのお手伝いに来たフェリシアです。ご挨拶代わりに温かい紅茶を…って!はわわっ! 足が氷で滑ってぇぇ!?

Wow! There are snow sculptures in every corner of the event space! I need to be careful around them...わあ! 会場のいたるところに雪像がありますね!壊さないように注意しないと…。
I'm Ice Tribe, same as my sister. Our body temperatures are lower than most. Here, try it, touch my arm!私と姉さんは氷の部族の出身。そのせいか、普通の人よりも体温が低いんです。触ってみます?
What? This is not a Faceless! This is a statue I made of my liege, Corrin. I carved it out of ice!え? ノスフェラトゥじゃありませんよ!これは氷を削って作ったカムイ様の氷像です!
I made you soup to warm you up. I'll bring— AHHH! I slipped in the snow? How did that happen?![召喚師]さん!身体が温かくなるスープを作りま…ひゃあっ、足が雪で滑ってぇぇ!?
My sister's festival outfit suited her quite well. It was just perfect for the ice festival, don't you think?姉さんのお祭り装束とっても似合っていて素敵でした!氷のお祭りにぴったりですよね!

친구 방문

I'm Felicia! There's a snow-and-ice festival happening right now at [Friend]'s castle.[フレンド]さんのお城で働いているフェリシアです!今は雪と氷の祭りをやってるんですよ。

레벨 업

Let's make some fun memories at the snow-and-ice festival!雪と氷の祭りで、一緒に楽しい思い出を作りましょう!
You don't need to get so heated! Let's enjoy the festival.そう熱くならずに!お祭りを楽しみましょうよ〜。
Ahhh! I dropped my weapon and almost stabbed my foot...きゃぁぁっ!ぶ、武器を落として足に刺しちゃうところでした…。


What?! Is this for me?! Is this my reward for all my hard work with the festival? Thank you!はわわわ! これを私に!?お祭りを頑張ったご褒美でしょうか!?ありがとうございます!

5성 40레벨 달성

I brought you some warm tea. Don't worry, I know where everything is, and nothing can trip me...
AHHH! Snow fell from a tree branch and hit me?! Wh-why did it fall right now? At this moment?!
I spilled most of it, but here, have some tea. There's sugar as well... What? This is salt? Oh...
Shoot... I really wanted to make you a fun memory of the snow-and-ice festival, and now this...
What? Why are you laughing? This will be a fun memory? R-really? If you say so...
I guess I can think of this as a success then? Right? Haha.
って、きゃぁぁっ! 木から落ちてきた雪が背中に!? ど、どうしてこのタイミングなんですかぁ〜。
減っちゃいましたけど、紅茶をどうぞ。お砂糖もありますからお好みで…え? これはお塩? あっ…!
えっ? どうして笑っているんですか?…これも楽しい思い出になる?ほ、本当ですか?





오의 발동

So cold!冷たいですよーっ!
I'll let you have it!どんどんいきます!
I've got it!お任せください!


I... I messed up...調子に…のっちゃいました…


Leave everything to me. It's a festival of ice, after all!氷のお祭りですからね! 私に任せてください!
Ahh! I'm kind of busy, so you mustn't pester me!ひゃあっ!? もう、忙しいんですから邪魔しちゃダメですよ?
I can't stop staring at this ice! So blue, so clear. It's beautiful!青く透き通った氷を見ると、綺麗でうっとりしちゃいます。
How do I look? Am I ready for the festival?このお祭りの衣装どうですか? 似合います?
Don't worry! The plates are made of ice, so I can fix them! No matter how many I break!そうだ! 氷のお皿ならいくら割ってもすぐ直せますよね!
It's wonderful seeing everyone enjoy the festival... *giggle*みんなが氷を見て楽しんでくれてる…。えへへ、嬉しいな…
When it's this cold out, I always recommend a warm cup of tea. Here!寒いと、暖かいお茶が美味しいですよね。さあどうぞ!

아군 턴 터치

Wait, what?あれれ?
I'll liven things up!盛り上げますよ!

캐릭터 페이지로